-Caveat Lector-

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Latest and greatest, Cal comes clean about what they really think of
The Y2KNEWSWIRE.COM Daily Report
Daily Y2K news and analysis, free of charge.

3/3/1999 - California urges citizens to stock up & prepare



The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services has joined the
ranks of organizations urging the public to prepare.
In an official OES brochure now available on the Internet (link below),
California, "...is encouraging California residents to
prepare now for Y2K using similar steps at those used for other
emergencies such as earthquakes and severe winter

Suggestions include:

       "Store one gallon of water per person per day..."

       "Have plenty of nonperishable food on hand for your family to
survive on for three days to a week."

       "Have sleeping bags available as well as plenty of blankets and
warm clothing. Make sure you have plenty of wood
       for wood-burning stoves..."

       "Keep an extra supply of prescriptions and mediciations or other
medical supplies used by your family."

       "Prepare for possible disruption of electrical power. Have some
extra cash on hand in case computer-controlled
       electronic transactions involving ATM cards, credit cards, and
the like cannot be processed."

Read the full document at:



Last week, Portland, Oregon Mayor Vera Katz used the phrase,
"self-sufficient" in describing her goal for Portland's
200,000 households. Self-sufficient means 100% independent of the
infrastructure. It means an ability to survive
with no outside help for a period of days, weeks, or longer.

California's OES, "suggests that all households be prepared to be
self-sufficient (able to live without running water,
electricity and/or gas, telephone and assistance from safety devices)
for three to seven days."



In a no-holds-barred document straight from the California Office of
Emergency Services, a plethora of potential Y2K
impacts is described in eye-opening detail. Remember, these are not
predictions. They are potential impacts only.
However, all these are being considered by California emergency services
officials, and you should consider them as well.

They include:

       Loss of operational control of dams, resulting in loss of life,
property damage and environmental damage from

       Response delays in emergency services due to communications

       Inoperability of engines, ambulances, aircraft and other rescue
support units, resulting in increased civilian deaths
       and increased property damage

       Decreased security in state facilities

       Safety system and pollution control system failures in HazMat
(hazardous materials) facilities, resulting in
       explosions, fires, mass casualties, environmental contamination,
property damage and delayed essential supplies

       Failures in the HazMat response systems, resulting in a failure
to warn the public

       Failures in medical equipment and facilities, resulting in a
reduced ability to cope with disaster casualties

       Loss of computer control systems in nuclear power plants,
resulting in widespread blackouts, meltdown and
       release of radiation, or a forced shutdown

       Communication systems failures in nuclear power plants resulting
in an inability to detect a radioactive release --
       also, the inability of the government to know about this or to
warn the public

       Air traffic control malfunctions resulting in slowed deliveries
of medical supplies, aircraft collisions, mass
       casualties and fires

       Transportation system gridlock resulting in delays in mail and
medical supplies; also inhibiting emergency response

       Loss of generation or the transmission of electrical power
resulting in food spoilage, failures of security systems,
       water pressure, medical equipment, heating & cooling, public
safety, lighting, and more

       Loss of handling capacity of solid waste disposal resulting in
bio-hazardous waste, methane gas, and
       environmental pollution

       Satellite system failures resulting in failed pagers, cell
phones, credit cards and bank functions

       Failure of electrical supplies in utility companies, resulting in
failed fire detection and suppression systems, failure
       of refueling systems

Read the full matrix at:



Again, we emphasize these are not predictions. This is a "risk matrix"
that outlines potential failures and their
consequences. Most importantly, note that had Y2KNEWSWIRE authored this
risk matrix, we would have
been instantly labeled doomsday alarmists. But when a state prints the
list, it's called "responsible strategic risk

Note that nearly all the suggestions now recognized as common sense and
urged by the Red Cross,
FEMA, and the California OES were originally suggested by the Y2K
awareness community: sites like
this one and people like Ed Yourdon, Gary North, Michael Hyatt, Jim
Lord, the Y2KNEWS.COM
people and others. In fact, the Y2K awareness industry beat the
"emergency officials" by at least six months in calling
for the public to begin stockpiling supplies.


The so-called "radical" has become mainstream. As it turns out, the only
"radical" thinking was that of the Y2K dissenters
and peddlers of complacency who went out of their way to urge people to
do absolutely nothing. After all, could be
more radical than encouraging your neighbor to be left completely
unprepared when a potential crisis
is looming?

As is now obvious, that kind of thinking harms the public and would
ultimately get people killed. Preparedness is the only
action that makes sense, and the only legitimate debate now should be
about the appropriate level of preparedness. Do you
prepare for three days or three months? That's the realm of the Y2K
debate. Those still calling for you to do
nothing are only contributing to an eventual state of emergency and
widespread panic. That's how fast
Y2K has changed the playing field. Six months ago, those urging
preparedness were accused of causing a panic. Today, it
has becoming plain to almost everyone that panic only results from
people surprised by unforeseen circumstances.
Therefore, by acknowledging the Y2K risk and preparing for it, panic can
be directly averted.


The term, "survivalist" used to conjure images of military-dressed
bearded crazy men with grenades and rocket launchers.
There might be a couple of those around, but aren't we all
"survivalists" really? After all, most of us want to survive
Y2K... and prosper on the other side. Everybody that has purchased an
extra can of food, taken out a few extra dollars
from the bank or put away an extra gallon of water is a survivalist.
You're preparing for physical and economic survival,
and now, all of a sudden, you realize you are a survivalist. But you
don't feel particularly radical, do you? In fact, you
hopefully feel a little more confident in your future. And the more you
get prepared, the more confidence you'll have.
Preparedness generates confidence, and confidence displaces fear. You
are becoming an asset to society rather than a
potential burden.

Welcome to the new definition of "survivalist," 21st-century-style.


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