-Caveat Lector-

Below please find info. on radiation tests.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

>From http://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/1999/0914.html#anchor596920

Top Mid-Columbia stories for Sept. 14, 1999

State, UW apologize for radiation tests
By The Associated Press and the Herald staff

The state and the University of Washington have apologized for any harm that
may have been done to Walla Walla prison inmates whose testicles were
bombarded with radiation in a Cold War experiment.

The apology is part of a settlement of a $5 million class-action lawsuit
filed in 1996.

Details of the settlement are confidential until it is approved by U.S.
District Judge Robert Whaley later this month, lawyers for both sides said in
a joint statement to a Spokane newspaper.

The experiments were conducted in the 1960s on 63 Washington State
Penitentiary inmates by Dr. C. Alvin Paulsen of UW.

Paulsen did the research under an Atomic Energy Commission contract to study
radiation's effects on fertility.

Hanford was one factor in prompting the experiments.

A 1962 Hanford radiation flash led to testicular problems in three workers.
That highlighted that little knowledge existed then on radiation's effects on
sperm generation.

The state Department of Corrections allowed Paulsen to use prisoners for the
experiments until March 1970, when the tests were ordered stopped by the head
of the department's research division.

"The plaintiffs allege that the research involved improper human radiation
experimentation," the statement says. "The University of Washington and the
Department of Corrections deny all liability but nevertheless regret that the
research may have caused the alleged harm and concerns that the prisoners
have expressed in their lawsuit."

The settlement will include cash payments to a number of prisoners or their
estates, depending on how many make valid claims, said lawyer Bradley Keller
of Seattle, who worked on the plaintiffs' case.

Several prisoners, including lead plaintiff Robert White of Spokane, said
they developed severe health problems from the experiments, including

The experiments, which included a similar program at the Oregon State
Penitentiary in Salem, were condemned in 1995 by a Clinton administration
review panel.

Of the 63 original participants, some 23 had died by the time the defendants
were ordered in 1997 to release a list of men who were subjects of the

Whaley earlier dismissed two Hanford contractors - General Electric Co. and
Battelle - plus the federal government, which paid for and administered the
experiments, from the lawsuit.

General Electric used to be Hanford's lead contractor. And Battelle took over
operating Pacific Northwest Laboratory in 1965 from General Electric -
inheriting a technical support role in those experiments.

Hanford documents from that time indicated Battelle was uncomfortable with
the experiments.

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