"NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority
vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United
States, do hereby proclaim June 2000 as Gay and Lesbian
Pride Month."
-Bill Clinton, June 2, 2000.
Last Friday, Bill Clinton once again proclaimed June as being
Gay and Lesbian Month - at least the second year he has done so.
He encouraged all Americans - gay or straight - to "celebrate" that
with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
Clinton's idea of "celebrating" Gay and Lesbian Pride Month is
to commemorate the "Stonewall Uprising" - a notorious New York City riot of 30 years ago prompted by a police raid on a gay bar.
Apparently, Clinton has bought into the gay mythology that today's
gay-pride movement began with a three-day riot.
Clinton also boasted during this proclamation last Friday that
"more openly gay and lesbian individuals serve in senior posts
throughout the federal government than during any other
But don't worry, Clinton wants to make the federal government
yet more queer-friendly; he said Friday that the Clintons/Gore
Administration will keep fighting for laws to outlaw discrimination
against gays and lesbians at work.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom
Broaddrick's audit is part of an effort by the Clinton-Gore White House to keep all the so-called Clinton women quiet during the campaigns of Mr. Gore and Mrs. Clinton.
   -- Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch

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