Hi !

Below please find some resources I have collected recently on abuse, memory,
mind control and experimentation.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list.
These may be triggering for survivors of abuse. All accusations are alleged.

An excerpt from: Ritual Abuse, Margaret Smith ©1993, HarperCollins
Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, ISBN 0-06-250214-X is
available at :

Old biblio from M. Smith's book. Please use caution when contacting some of
these resources.
this doesn't work add 1935)

Ritual Abuse: It's Effects and the Process of Recovery Using Self-Help
Methods and Resources, and Focusing on the Spiritual Aspect of Damage and
Recovery by Ann-Marie Germain  is available via  Inner Library Loan from the
Morris Library at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL - OCLC

"Multiple Exposure - How Love at Last Repaired the Ravages of Ritual Abuse by
Dale McCulley, ISBN 1-58721-364-8, ordering info: http://www.survivalsaga.com/

Outgrowing the Pain and Outgrowing the Pain Together by Eliana Gil, ISBN
0-440-50372-0, Dell Pub, NY, NY

Please use caution at these sites. You may want to look at them with a
support person or your therapist.

http://www.survivorship.org/html/dates.html - website for ritual dates

http://www.survivorship.org/html/managing.html - website for managing triggers

http://www.survivorship.org/html/types.html - types of triggers

Information about books on ptsd,

Information on S.M.A.R.T.'s 2001 conference is at :

Setting and Reinforcing Personal Boundaries transcript from a presentation by
K. Sullivan at The Third Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and
Mind Control Conference, 8/4 - 6, 2000 is  at :

A possible source of legal information for survivors and their advocates is
Lexis - http://www.lexisone.com/hmtl/index_home.html Copies of cases are
available at this site.

Safe Harbors, now has a new address
2312 W. Olive St. #B, Burbank, CA 91506-2628, 818-845-0729. They have
workshops for survivors.

"How to Avoid Being Manipulated, Bamboozled and Seduced by Experts and
Authorities by Sharon Presley, Ph.D. - Thinking Critically: Ask Yourself
Questions has the following sections:" Don't let others define the situation
for you, Separate the message from the characteristics of the person trying
to persuade you. Look for discrepancies between the words and actions of the
person. Don't just passively react. Be aware of the irrelevant factors in the
situation that could unconsciously influence your behavior. Be sensitive to
initially small, trivial steps that can escalate into big commitments. Don't
be consistent just for the sake of consistency. Keep the larger perspective
in mind. Don't react just out of habit. Be willing to question the way things
"have always been done." Question social roles and relationships for hidden
assumptions and expectations about authority and power. At :
http://www.rit.org/critical/nomanip.html (from Resources for Independent

Research on memory, abuse, etc.

"More than 3 million women have been abused since Congress began considering
reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1999. If Congress
doesn't act by September 28th, VAWA will expire."

"Abused Girls Have More Severe Reactions to Stress As Adults" 8/01/00 CHICAGO
(UPI) - "Abuse in a girl's childhood may surface in adulthood in the form of
reactions to stress that are far more severe than would be the case if she
had not been molested."

Childhood Abuse and Adult Stress - A Study Links Trauma, Depression and
Response to Anxiety, Erica Goode -
omen.html?Partner=AOL&RefId=3e7UUfEFnnnn2nFl - 8/2/00

The 5th International Conference on Family Violence: Working Together to End
Abuse (formerly Children Exposed to Family Violence) Advocacy, Assessment,
Intervention, Research, Prevention, and Policy 9/23- 27/00 - Town & Country
Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, CA. For more info:  Jae E. Marciano,
M.A., Dir. FVSAI 6160 Cornerstone Court East, San Diego, CA  92121, (858)
623-2777 ext. 427 E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], http: www.fvsai.org

Angry Young Men - How Parents, Teachers, and Counselors Can Help "Bad Boys"
Become Good Men - by Aaron Kipnis, PhD, Jossey-Bass, 1999, 350 Sansome St,
5th Floor, San Fran, CA 94104, 800-956-7739, http://www.josseybass.com

>From MenWeb - "Battered Men - The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence 835,000
men battered each year." http://www.vix.com/pub/menmag/battered.htm

Walking Out on Spousal Abuse - By Lauren R. Taylor, Special to The Washington
Post 7/24/00, "For the 25 percent or more of U.S. women who are abused by
husbands, boyfriends or other intimate partners at some point in their lives,
the barriers to walking out the door are great....The process--from the
decision to leave through establishing a new life--can take years, but at
least 60 percent of abused women do move on."

Unique Use of the Hague Convention in Custody Dispute, Federal appeals court
reverses order -

Domestic Violence "Why Women Stay" by N. Faulkner, Ph.D, for The Franciscan
Peacemakers 12/97 - http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/domviol.htm

Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 29:1367-1415 (1994) - the Parental
Alienation Syndrome: A Dangerous Aura of Reliability - C. Wood, "Dr. Gardner
espouses these theories in his self-published books, the most recent being
The Parental Alienation Syndrome. Ironically, while PAS has been admitted in
courts, it has not been accepted by experts in the field: psychologists,
child abuse evidentiary experts, or child advocates. This Comment argues that
evidence of PAS should not be admissible in court."

"Study Paints Ugly Picture of Intimate Brutality, 1 in 4 Women Stalked or
Beaten by Mates, 7/14/00, by J. G. Meek - Washington (APBnews.com)  One out
of four women say they've been victims of domestic violence or stalking by a
spouse, partner or date at some point in their lives, according to a new
report by the National Institute of Justice. The national survey of 8,000 men
and 8,000 women found that 25 percent of women and 7.6 percent of men
reported an intimate partner had assaulted them during their lifetime."

"Science News" 7/8/00, New Zealand : "Checking Up on Abuse Memories,"
"Supporting evidence in photographs, audiotapes, or both existed for 137 of
160 alleged sex acts, Bidrose and Goodman report in the May-June APPLIED
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY....The girls proved more likely to omit allegations of
events for which independent evidence existed than to describe events that
couldn't be confirmed."

Information from The State of South Carolina - In the Supreme Court, A.
Moriarity, Respondent v. Garden Sanctuary Church of God, Petitioner, On Writ
of Certiorari to the Court of Appeals, opinion no. 25156, filed 6/26/00 - "We
granted the Church's petition for a writ of certiorari to review that
decision and now affirm....We affirm... the Court of Appeals' holding that
repressed memories of sexual abuse can exist"

Information and data about recovered memory and media representation of the
memory debate. http://www.accuracyaboutabuse.org/news/AAA17.htm - their
newsletter Issue #17

North Shore Times Advertiser, New Zealand -  6/6/00, pg. 9, "Psychologist
discusses effects of child abuse" Dr John Reed of Auckland University
attended the 13th International Symposium for the psychological treatment of
schizophrenia: "His ...research...with Psychologist Dr. Nick Argyle - found
that 77 percent of psychiatric inpatients who had been abused as children
experience schizophrenic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions." He
believes it is important to take abuse histories as early as possible.

"Paidika Interview: Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager Part I -
Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say
that what they want is to find the best way to love. . . . Paedophiles can
make the assertion that the pursuit of intimacy and love is what they choose.
With boldness they can say, "I believe this is in fact part of God's will.  -
Dr. Ralph Underwager in this interview with Paidika, a European pro-pedophile
http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/NudistHallofShame/Underwager2.html (Note:
SMART does not agree with the above quotation.)

Treating Abuse Today Interview: A Conversation With Pamela Freyd, Ph.D.
Co-Founder And Executive Director, False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Inc.,
Part I by David L. Calof - Published in Treating Abuse Today, 3(4), 1993, pp.
26-33, http://idealist.com/facts/v3n3-pfreyd.shtml

Judicial Responses to the Protective Parent's Complaint of Child Sexual
Abuse, Amy Neustein and Ann Goetting, Info: Help Us Regain the Children
Research Center, 135 E. 54th Street, Apt. 7J, New York, NY 10022

Pediatrics Vol.94, No. 5 11/94, p 761-765 - Sexual Assault and the Adolescent
(RE9433) - American Academy of Pediatrics - Committee on Adolescence - Rape
is a significant and serious crime in our society. The Uniform Crime Report
for 1991 published by the US Department of Justice listed over 100,000
reported rapes nationwide, but this report excluded statutory rape, rape
against men, and unreported sexual assaults. The National Victim Center
estimates that almost 700 000 women are raped each year, and that 61% of the
rape victims are under ... 18. http://www.aap.org/policy/00465.html

The National Alliance For Family Court Justice...is an international group of
volunteers dedicated to addressing system failure in the courts and social
services resulting in retaliation against non-offending parents who complain
of family abuse, especially mothers of children who disclose sexual abuse.

Allegations of Clergy and Cult Abuse

Honoring Our Losses and Celebrating Our Survival - Linkup's 8th National
Healing Conference, 9/15-17/00, Hampton Inn, Schaumburg, IL. Survivors of
Clergy Abuse Linkup, Inc., 1412 W. Argyle St. #2, Chicago, IL 60640,
773-334-2296, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.thelinkup.com

Enquirer   Local   News   Coverage
7/11/00 - "Church settles sex-abuse lawsuit - Documents reveal fresh
allegations, by Dan Horn - The Cincinnati Enquirer - The Archdiocese of
Cincinnati avoided a trial Monday when it agreed to settle a lawsuit
involving a former priest who sexually abused children. But it could not
avoid new allegations that church officials knew the priest was a problem
long before he was charged with a crime."

Leaving Mormon Church difficult by Carol Ness, Examiner Staff   7/17/00

Here are urls with allegations against LDS (from the Salt Lake Tribune):
 http://www.sltrip.com/2000/jul/07082000/utah/65349.htm - LDS Bishop Charged
with Failing to Report Abuse (7/8/00)

http://www.mormonstoday.com/000521/N1Maxwell01.shtml - LDS Bishop arrested
for failure to report abuse

http://www.mormonsday.com/000521.N1Maxwell02.shtml - LDS Bishop Gets Fine, No
Jail (5/19/00)

http://www.mormonsday.com/000326/D1LoganBishops01.shtml - 3 LDS Bishops Can't
Be Charged For Failing to Report Sex Abuse "...because the statue of
limitations has expired."(3/26/00)

Stolen Innocence: NY Jewish Community grapples with reports of longtime abuse
by leader - by Gary Rosenblatt, New York Jewish Week, Rabbi Baruch Lanner,
the charismatic magnet of NCSY, was revered in the Orthodox Union youth
group, despite longtime reports of abuse of teens.

"Sexual Abuse/Child Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses - There is growing
evidence that the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is being implicated in
encouraging elders, ministerial servants and even those higher up in the
organization to cover over cases of (alleged) child sexual abuse, male and
female rape, molestation as well as (alleged) domestic violence in their
local congregations." http://www.exjws.net/sexabuse/index.htm
Cult Leader Jailed in Australia for Molesting Girls, AGENCE FRANCE-PRESS
MELBOURNE, Australia, 8/11/00

Research on government issues, mind control, etc.

The Lynne Moss-Sharman radio interview about prison experimentation and Rick
Carlson at:

Ford and the Führer - New Documents Reveal the Close Ties Between Dearborn
and the Nazis - by Ken Silverstein, "...Ford and a number of other American
firms--including General Motors and Chase Manhattan- worked with the
Nazis...Henry Ford's role as a leader of the America First Committee, which
sought to keep the United States out of World War II....that up until Pearl
Harbor, Dearborn made huge revenues by producing war matériel for the Reich
and that the man it selected to run its German subsidiary was an enthusiastic
backer of Hitler. German Ford served as an "arsenal of Nazism"....Ford's
cooperation with the Nazis continued until at least August 1942." From The
Nation 1/24/00 - 1-800-333-8536,

The following may be triggering for survivors. All accusations are alleged.
Mind Control - Experiments On Children - CIA Experiments With Mind Control on
Children by Jon Rappoport, Source: Perceptions Magazine, September/October
1995 10734 Jefferson Blvd., Suite 502, Culver City, CA 90230, (310) 313-5185,
"Officially spanning ten years from 1952-62, MK-ULTRA involved the use of LSD
on unwitting military and civilian subjects in the United States. LSD and
more powerful compounds were given under duress as brainwashing and truth
serum drugs. The program's aim was to find drugs which would irresistibly
bring out deep confessions or wipe a subject' s mind clean and program him or
her as "a robot agent." ....Dr. Louis "Jolly" West of UCLA, who tried to
establish a center for "the study of violence" at the university in the
1970s. This center's specialty would have been psychosurgery, a horrendous
melting of brain connections, supposedly to curb people's "violent
tendencies." "
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/project161.html Jon
Rappoport's website is : http://home.earthlink.net/~alto/index.html

Mind Control - The CIA, Mind Control & Children - CKLN-FM Mind Control Series
- Part 10, A Talk by John Rappoport - CKLN FM 88.1 - Ryerson Polytechnic
University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, CKLN-FM, tapes, CKLN, 380 Victoria St.,
Jorgenson Hall, Ryerson University, Toronto, CANADA.  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

This may be triggering, please use caution while reading.
Project Paperclip: Nazi Scientists Who Performed Human Experimentation in the
U. S. With links to related articles -
Note: the "%7E" could be a "~".

The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain: U.S. and Soviet
Scientists Have Developed the Key to Consciousness for Military Purposes. How
The U.S. Government Won the Arms Race to Control Man - A documentary with
quotes by leading scientists, professionals and several independent sources,
C. Welsh, 5/98 http://www.calweb.com/~welsh/book.htm#Super

All accusations are alleged.
Astronaut Reveals NASA Mind Control Program Involving Children by A. Basiago,
Special to Sightings.com, "Los Angeles - Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the
original seven Mercury astronauts, has confirmed the existence of a mind
control program administered by NASA in the 1950's and 1960's involving
gifted American schoolchildren." http://www.sightings.com/general2/astro.htm

Project Title: Radar-Based Through-the-Wall Surveillance System
http://www.niectc.org/techproj/nij_p26.html - This is listed for educational
purposes only.

Project Freedom Network Is Dedicated Toward Exposing Remote Mind Control
Weapons has information on E-weapons, microchips and other topics. Please use
caution at some of the links at
http://www.isleofavalon.co.uk/local/h-pages/pro-freedom/ Project Freedom, PO
Box 2641, Glastonbury, BA6 8XP, England

"Human ID implant - to be unveiled soon, 'Wearers' of Digital Angel®' -
monitored by GPS, Internet,  By JoAnn Kohlbrand and Julie Foster © 2000
WorldNetDaily.com -  A working prototype of an implant designed to monitor
the physiology and whereabouts of human wearers, known as Digital Angel...."
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_exn  ews/20000813_xex_human_id_imp.shtml

Excerpts from... U.S. Department of Energy Advisory Committee on Human
Radiation Experiments (1996). Final Report. Chapter 12. Observational Data
Gathering "Chapter 12 - The Iodine 131 Experiment in Alaska  - In 1956 and
1957 the U.S. Air Force's Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory conducted a study of
the role of the thyroid gland in acclimatizating humans to cold, using iodine
131.... The study involved 200 administrations of I-131 to 120 subjects..."

Human Research at the Bomb Tests - ...In 1946, the United States conducted
Operation Crossroads, the first peacetime nuclear weapons tests, before an
audience of worldwide press and visiting dignitaries at the Bikini Atoll in
the Pacific Marshall Islands.... The Flashblindness Experiments - Beginning
with the 1946 Bikini tests, experiments with living things became a staple of
bomb tests. http://facstaff.uww.edu/lscore/sts/mirrored_docs/flashblind.html

Chapter 5 - the Manhattan District Experiments - The First Injection - "A few
days after ... March 26, 1945, recommendation that a hospital patient be
injected with plutonium, ..., of the Los Alamos Laboratory's Health Division,
sent 5 micrograms of plutonium to ..., with instructions for their use on a
human subject." http://facstaff.uww.edu/lscore/sts/mirrored_docs/first.html

Please note: This is being listed for educational purposes only. Please use
your own judgement in terms of deciding the veracity of the following info.
This may be triggering for survivors. All accusations are alleged. THE
PEGASUS FILE - Former CIA/DIA deep-cover agent "Chip" Tatum reveals more
disturbing details about high-level control of global drug-running and
money-laundering operations, Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 4, #4
(June-July 1997). PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442
9381, url: www.nexusmagazine.com,"During his 22 years as a deep-cover CIA and
DIA operative, Gene "Chip" Tatum saw or participated in a remarkable series
of covert operations. Foremost in his mind are the years 1986-92, when he
operated for a group he called "Pegasus". This group operated on behalf of
the US and other governments, undertaking tasks that ranged from narcotics
smuggling to assassinations."- http://www.nexusmagazine.com//pegfile1.html,

Tavistock - the Best Kept Secret in America - (all accusations are alleged)
"Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were
first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its
experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American
public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom
by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology." This resource
is for educational  purposes only.

Alex Constantine answers 22 questions by CTRL editor Kris Millegan

"Media Control - The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda" (Seven Stories
Press, NY) and "What Uncle Sam Really Wants" (Odonian Press, Tucson, AZ) by
Noam Chomsky are good resources on how propaganda and politics work in the
United States.

Cointelpro One Definition - 8/4/00 - ""Cointelpro" was the FBI's secret
program to undermine the popular upsurge which swept the country during the
1960s. Though the name stands for "Counterintelligence Program," the targets
were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate "radical" political
opposition inside the US." Philadelphia Independent Media Center,

Allegations about Human Experimentation at Texas Dept. Corrections,
Mycoplasma Experiments

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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