-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Hi ! Below please find some resources I collected recently.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Resources and Information

Please note: Listing of these resources does not necessarily constitute our
endorsement of them. They are for educational value only and some may be

Please also note. Some of the conferences listed may not necessarily be safe
for all survivors. S.M.A.R.T. recommends always bringing a support person to
all conferences. If you are a survivor of mind control and/or ritual abuse,
S.M.A.R.T. recommends that you try to bring a support person that is familiar
with mind control techniques.

Claims of Parental Alienation Syndrome Confuse Abuse Investigations -

These pages have links and info on the Masons and may be very triggering for
survivors : http://www.links2go.com/topic/Masons

This may be triggering.
http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/ has info. on mk_ultra, Nazi Germany,
Satanism, etc.

Citizens Against Human Experimentation has a new web site at
http://www.cahe.org focusing on involuntary human experimentation. C.A.H.E.
is holding a new rally on
November 19, 2000 at The Sacramento Convention Center. For info:

This article may be triggering.
Arlene Tyner's new article, "Mind Control - Part 3: The Blowback Effect of
Brain Tampering," is now available from Probe Magazine, July-August, 2000,
$5.00 to CTKA, P O Box 921688, Sylmar, CA 91392-1688, 818-362-4557,
http://www.webcom.com/ctka The article includes sections on the movie "The
Manch_rian Candidate," Human Experimentation Exposed, Suffer the Children,
"Daddy Sid@ G_ttlieb, Mullen and Ebner Testify, The Mysterious "Dr. Gr__ne,"
Gr__nbaum Programming, Mass Murder Blowback? and notes with 68 footnotes,
which include urls and books on the topic.

Actual Patents Of Mind Control And Behavior Modification Technology -
http://sightings.com/general3/patent.htm You may want to use caution at the
links on this page.

This may be very triggering for survivors of abuse. Please use caution when
reading. The Network of Stolen Consciousness, Part I and Part II by Beth
Goobie, AI am a survivor of intelligence cults that operate across Canada and
are connected internationally. In 1959, I was born into an intergenerational
CIA-connected cult that continues to operate in central Ontario. I was first
subjected to calculated torture sessions in the womb, and have been able to
integrate fetal selves as an adult. I was an experienced dissociater at
birth, an accomplished prostitute before kindergarten, and was being
circulated on an elite international circuit by grade school." Paranoia (The
Conspiracy Reader), P O 1041, Providence, RI 02901, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Excuses and Manipulations in Mind Control - Rationalizing Away Torture

A list of Major Electromagnetic Mind Control Projects is at
http://www.trufax.org/research/projects.html This page may be triggering for

"Is there a false memory epidemic ?" By Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, FNP,
May-June 1997 Issue, vol. 7, no. 3 of  Treating Abuse Today, P O Box 3030,
Lancaster, PA 17604, "There is no reliable evidence to substantiate claims
that  the false memory syndrome is a "growing problem," a "crisis," or that
it constitutes an "epidemic"....no reliable research has provided evidence to
substantiate the existence of the false memory syndrome..."

CIA: The Use of Journalists - "Disclosure that the CIA retains authority to
recruit U.S. journalists for covert operations is drawing protests from the
news media and demands that the practice be banned."

Claims of Parental Alienation Syndrome Confuse Abuse Investigations -

Human Implants Already Here has links about chips, etc. May be triggering for
survivors http://www.greaterthings.com/News/Chip_Implants/

David Guyatt traces the history of thought control experiments and the
technology that might shape a future psycho-civilised society - The pictures
at this site may be triggering http://www.forteantimes.com/artic/95/mind.html

LSD experiments on war children - The Norway Post - 9/4/00 - "In the 1950s
and 60s Norwegian institutions did military experiments with LSD on war
children, psychiatric patients and other groups of people. Three to four of
the ten war children died after the experiments, reports Dagsavisen. The
accusations come from a letter to Oslo town court of law in connection with
more than 50 war children with German fathers claim for compensation. These
people are prosecuting the Norwegian state."

Annie McKenna's ‘99 and ‘00 conference presentations transcripts are now at
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/am00.htm and
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/am99.htm These may be very triggering for
survivors, so please use caution at these sites. She discusses scrapbook
therapy and allegations of mk-ultra abuse.

The ritual abuse home page at xroads has now been moved to

CIA Use of Nazi Research - "The following are not all Nazi war criminals
hired to work for the U.S. though several are. All of them worked with such,
and/or worked at similar unethical experiments." This is listed as an
educational resource only, all accusations are alleged.

EMR Reduces Melatonin in Animals and People - Dr Neil Cherry - 7/26/00 -
Environmental Management and Design Division, P.O. Box 84, Lincoln
University, Canterbury, New Zealand,

CIA Report on Subliminal Perception - "This CIA report on "The Operational
Use of Subliminal Perception" was written by Richard Gafford and appeared
in... Spring 1958..."

Secret project carried hidden dangers - "In the 1940s and '50s, the U.S.
government secretly hired scores of private companies to process huge volumes
of nuclear weapons material... Workers were not informed of the risks.
Thousands were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation. Government reports
were classified and buried.  http://www.usatoday.com/news/poison/cover.htm

Mary Jo Schneller's ‘99 Conference Presentation, this may be very triggering
for survivors of abuse. She discusses mind control, ritual abuse and types of
programming. http://members.aol.com/smartnews/mj00.html

Abuse Still Haunts Boys' Ranch Survivor, by Paul Chavez, Tacoma News Tribune,
10-01-94, "The boys' suit alleged sexual abuse was rampant at the O.K. Boys
Ranch for troubled youth from 1985 through 1993. It claimed the state and the
Olympia Kiwanis Club, which operated the foster home, did nothing to stop it.
The settlement ... included: A $4.175 million settlement from the state of
Washington. The state Department of Social and Health Services conducted an
audit of the ranch in 1988 that disclosed multiple sexual abuse of youths by
other youths and/or staff, court documents said. Lawyers for the boys charged
that DSHS did little to stop the abuses. A $3 million settlement from the
Kiwanis Club of Olympia, which operated the foster home."

Legal Floodgates Reopen at Boys Ranch More Suits: Another ex-resident sues
the boys home, alleging abuse. By Joel Coffidis The Olympian 3/20/99 OLYMPIA
- Four months after the state paid $5.5 million to 12 ex-residents of the
former Olympia Kiwanis Boys Ranch who suffered sexual, physical and mental
abuse, another law suit has been filed and more are likely...Since the boys
home in Olympia closed in 1994, the state has paid nearly $15 million -
including earlier settlements - to 38 victims and six parents. An additional
$7.4 million has been paid by insurers for the Kiwanis Club of Olympia and
the ranch. http://manaco.simplenet.com/ok21.html

Project Truth 2 website has information about Perry Dunlop and allegations of
child abuse in Canada at http://www.projecttruth2.com/

Pentagon To Reveal Biowarfare Tests - "Will Release The Names Of Those Tested
In The 1960s, Thousands Of Servicemen Sprayed With Chemicals, Dept. Of
Veterans Affairs Trying To Get More Information, LA, 9/20/2000, CBS News has
learned that the names of servicemen who were sprayed with chemicals decades
ago in U.S. military germ warfare tests will be turned over to the Department
of Veterans Affairs."

The History of Childhood As the History of Child Abuse - Lloyd deMause, AThe
historical record points to childhood being a nightmare from which we have
only recently begun to awaken. Children have historically been killed,
abandoned, terrorized, and sexually abused by their caretakers.... Rather
than the incest taboo being universal, it is incest itself that is universal.

DOE Openness: Human Radiation Experiments: Roadmap to the Project ACHRE
Report - Chapter 7: Nontherapeutic Research On Children is at
http://tis.eh.doe.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/chap7.html This also discusses
studies at the Fernald School.

Problems for Victims of Ritual Abuse in San Diego, California - Opinion Piece
Submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune, by Ellen Lacter, Ph.D. on
9-29-2000, "Mark Sauer's 9-24-00 article, "A Web of Intrigue", in the San
Diego Union-Tribune is his most recent in a series of articles
misrepresenting the facts on the subject of child ritual abuse and attacking
advocates for ritual abuse victims."

Toward Freedom Online Magazine – Editorial – The Politics of Memory by Greg
Guma Discusses the Memory issue and West

Man gets 24 years for satanic-ritual rape of 10-year-old girl By Lisa Roose
Church / Staff Writer - 9/30/00 "MURFREESBORO - A man who told authorities he
raped a 10-year-old girl during satanic rituals has received a 24-year prison

U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals - USA v ARCHDALE - 9930297 - UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA, - No. 99-30297 - Plaintiff-Appellee, - D.C. No. v.   CR
98-103-BLG-JDS WALLACE D. ARCHDALE, Defendant-Appellant. OPINION - Appeal
from the United States District Court for the District of Montana - Jack D.
Shanstrom, District Judge, Presiding, Argued and Submitted 8/8/00 Seattle, WA
Filed 10/4/00 "Archdale appealed his convictions, claiming numerous erroneous
evidentiary rulings." "[5] The Federal Rules of Evidence permit the use of
leading questions on direct examination as may be necessary to develop the
witness' testimony." "[7] Leading questions were necessary to develop J.K.'s
and Timberly's testimony. No manifest injustice occurred.... [9] The jury
found that J.K.'s testimony was credible and therefore, that there was
sufficient evidence to support Archdale's conviction." quotes from
http://laws.findlaw.com/9th/9930297.html This has descriptions of abuse and
may be triggering for survivors.

http://www.cia.gov/csi/studies/declass/bookintn.htm This may be triggering
for survivors. You might want to use caution when visiting this site.

I have been told that it is possible to order these CD's of declassified
info. Here is a sample letter : A request for information pursuant to the
provisions of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, 5 U.S.C. 552 as
amended, and the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a.  I would like to order
the three-volume CD set that includes a copy of a shareware viewer and some
18,000 pages of MKULTRA and Bluebird/Artichoke records that are declassified.
 I am enclosing a money order for $30 payable to the U.S. Treasurer.
Information and Privacy Act Coordinator, Central Intelligence Agency,
Washington, D.C. 20505.  You might want to use caution when writing, and
perhaps use a P O Box and protect your identity.

"Drive-By Journalism; The Assault on Your Need to Know" by Arthur Rowse, pub.
by Common Courage Press, Box 702, Monroe, ME 04951,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] www.commoncouragepress.com   207-525-0900,
"media mergers are rapidly creating one huge news cartel with just five
conglomerates now close to controlling most of what you see, read and hear."

"Empowerment through Positive Health Care" Survivorship's conference for
ritual abuse survivors 12/9/00, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM, at Preservation Park in
Oakland. For info.: Survivorship, PMB 139, 3181 Mission St., San Francisco,
CA 94110-4515, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Court of Appeals Division I - State of Washington - Opinion Information Sheet
- Docket Number: 41241-8-I - Title of Case:  David L. Calof, Respondent v.
Charles "chuck" Noah, Et. al., Appellants ... 09/11/2000, SOURCE OF APPEAL,
Superior Court of King County, Docket No: 95-2-15224-4, ....Noah and Casebeer
were involved in activities protesting Calof's work in repressed memory
recovery. Calof secured an antiharassment order against Noah. Noah was found
in contempt for violating the antiharassment order. Noah challenges the
antiharassment order and his conviction for contempt on the grounds it
violated First Amendment rights including free speech, the right to picket,
and the right to photograph Calof in public. We hold an antiharassment order
may place enforceable limits of First Amendment rights as needed to enforce
the no contact provisions of the order. We affirm the antiharassment order
and his conviction for contempt. Calof sued Casebeer and others for
defamation and other injuries. Casebeer and others entered voluntarily and
knowingly into a mediated settlement agreement. Casebeer repudiated the
agreement on the grounds that she could not lawfully contract away First
Amendment rights, such as speech and picketing. The trial court held that the
agreement was enforceable. We hold that mere enforcement of the agreement
does not constitute state action for purposes of constitutional analysis. The
agreement is enforceable. We affirm.

Catholic Church apologizes, settles with molestation victims 10/10/00 -
PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) - The Roman Catholic Church apologized ... for one of
the largest claims of clergy sexual abuse and settled a lawsuit with 22 men
who said they were molested by a priest as far back as 50 years ago.... The
plaintiffs charged in their $44 million lawsuit that the Rev. ...enticed them
to engage in sexual acts from 1950 to 1974.

"Shocking treatment - Electroconvulsive therapy is enjoying a comeback, and
though practitioners claim it's now safe and effective, others insist it
still causes permanent damage by Tom Lyons." From "eye"  - 10/12/00  -

A History of Secret Human Experimentation is at:

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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