-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

from L Moss-Sharman School abuse suits may cost $1 billion FSIN is outraged government is adding more lawyers to handle influx of lawsuits James Parker The StarPhoenix 9/4/02 "The federal government and the churches that ran the residential schools on behalf of Ottawa are facing more than 4,500 cases involving about 11,000 individuals. About 540 cases have been settled since 1996. So far, the government has paid out $37 million to compensate plaintiffs for physical and sexual abuse and expects to spend more than a $1 billion dealing with the cases. Some suits also claim the schools perpetrated cultural genocide." http://www.canada.com/saskatoon/story.asp?id={8E084502-450A-4FD0-AA1B-D637FBA3FA85}

Parents look to microchip children - London, England - "Worried UK parents are asking to have tracking microchips implanted into their children following the murders of two 10-year-old girls, a cybernetics expert says. Scientist Kevin Warwick from Reading University, west of London, says parents can keep track of their children with a tiny microchip implant in the arm or stomach." http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/europe/09/03/uk.implant/index.html


Cheney's brief for war: a mass of lies and historical falsifications By David Walsh and Barry
"On a Public Broadcasting System television news program two days later, former chief UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter refuted Cheney's version of events, accusing him of "rewriting history." Ritter told a PBS interviewer, "What Vice President Cheney said to the American people is tantamount to a lie. The CIA knows that Hussein Kamal, the son-in-law of Saddam Hussein, when he defected clearly stated that under his instructions all weapons programs were eliminated. This is fact. He didn't lead us to a document. The Iraqi government did."

"Cheney attempted in his speech to portray Saddam Hussein as a demon, while ignoring the fact that the Iraqi leader was an ally of the US throughout much of the 1980s, and that Washington supported Iraq in its war with Iran (1981-88). Hussein is one in long line of former allies or CIA stooges who have run afoul of US interests and have been transformed into international pariahs. This list includes Panama's Manuel Noriega, Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic, Somalia's Mohammed Farah Aidid and Osama bin Laden, one of the Islamic fundamentalists who were armed and financed by the US during the mujahedin war against Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s. When Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons against Iranian forces and Iraqi Kurds in the late 1980s, he was acting with the knowledge and tacit blessing of the US."
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