-Caveat Lector-

also has The War on Terrorism is a fraud.

"Majorities of Americans now think the Bush administration and Vice President
Dick Cheney are hiding something about their dealings with Enron....Most
Americans believe big business has too much influence on both Congress and
the current Administration.... Now, three quarters of the public think the
Bush Administration is either hiding something or lying when it comes to its
dealings with Enron executives."

this may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

FBI Busts Teen Sex Ring - 2/28/02 "The News2Houston Investigators reported
Wednesday night in an  exclusive story that the FBI (news - web sites) has
busted a teenage  sex ring wide open. The teenage sex ring spanned across
several states. It landed an untold number of teenage girls in so-called
modeling  studios in Houston, as adult men raked in the money from their sex
slavery. The pimps used a video camera to keep track of how good the business
 was for prostitutes in several cities. The FBI seized the video of one pimp,
as he found a new hot sport to  bring underage girls for
prostitution.....Daniel McNeal, 30, is just beginning 3 1/2 years in federal
prison. McNeal of Las Vegas begged for a light sentence, but the federal
judge said that he put so many young girls to work in these clubs  that the
maximum sentence was in order."

Archdiocese May Pay $30M to Settle - 3/6/02 - By ROBERT O'NEILL, Associated
Press Writer "Negotiations between the Boston Archdiocese and people who say
they were sexually abused by a former priest have stalled on two factors —
neither of which is money, the plaintiffs' lawyer said Wednesday. Mitchell
Garabedian, who represents the plaintiffs in civil lawsuits against defrocked
priest John Geoghan, refused to detail the points of contention. "We have two
sticking points, all I can say is they don't concern money," Garabedian said.
The reported framework for a settlement would give up to $30 million to the
86 plaintiffs, which include 70 people who claimed they were abused by
Geoghan. Each would receive an average of $232,000 to $348,000 each, with an
arbitrator deciding the amount in each case, The Boston Globe reported."

related article - Boston Globe Online - Metro  Region - $20m accord seen in
Geoghan cases -
"Since the mid-1990s, the church has paid another 100 victims of Geoghan an
estimated $15 million. If the church pays just the minimum, $20 million,
under the new agreement, that would put the cost of the pedophilia of one
priest at $35 million. The arbitrator's decisions could push that cost
higher....In addition to the 84 lawsuits that are headed for settlement,
there are four other pending lawsuits against Geoghan, and 48 claims pending
against other priests."

Native lawsuits fuel costly bureaucracy By Michael Valpy - Religion and
Ethics Reporter 3/5/02 - Globe and Mail - "The federal government has created
a $53-million bureaucracy to work on resolving aboriginal residential school
claims despite its failure to reach any agreement on liability and redress
with the churches that ran the schools on Ottawa's behalf. The Office of
Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada, which has the status of a
full government department and is run by a deputy minister, has more than 50
employees, the services of 72 lawyers and an unknown number of researchers
commissioned to examine claims of physical and sexual abuse by former
students. There are approximately 9,000 individual claims. About 160,000
aboriginal children passed through the schools before the last one was closed
at the end of the 1960s....The government says it has allocated $20-million
for compensation, which is part of the $53-million budget, and is moving
toward out-of-court settlements.  The rest of the budget goes toward office

Major NGO Groups Moves to Protect Children From Abuse  3/4/02 - "Washington
(Reuters) - America's largest coalition of non-governmental aid organizations
said on Monday it would establish a  task force aimed at protecting displaced
children from sexual exploitation.  The move by InterAction, whose 160
members conduct overseas relief  and development in 100 nations, came after
findings of widespread  child abuse by aid workers in West Africa. The study
by UNHCR and Britain's Save the Children released last week  found that
almost 70 aid workers from 40 agencies had been pushing  refugee children in
Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone into sex in  exchange for food, medicine and
other supplies sent to save their lives.

Lieberman: Action Against Iraq Might Start Secretly
March 3, 2002 1:17 pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A leading Democrat said on Sunday that U.S. action
against Baghdad might begin without notification to Congress to allow
President Bush "to employ surprise in attacking or going against the
leadership of Iraq."
Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut Democrat and former vice presidential
candidate, criticized the Bush administration for generally failing to
consult enough with members of Congress in the ongoing war against terrorism,
telling CBS's "Face the Nation" program: "The administration could at this
point do a better job of involving members of Congress in some of the
discussions about where the war is going."

The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection?  Ron Callari, Albion Monitor
February 28, 2002 Enron is a scandal so enormous that it's hard to wrap your
mind around it. Not just a single financial disaster, it's actually a jigsaw
of interlocking scandals, each outrageous in its own right.  There's Enron
the Wall St. con game, where company bookkeepers used sleight of hand to turn
four years of steady losses into stunning profits. There's Enron the reverse
Robin Hood, which stole from its own employees even as its executives were
hauling millions of dollars out the backdoor. There's Enron's Ken Lay the
Kingmaker, who used the corporation's fraudulent wealth to broker elections
and skew public policy to his liking. And then there are the Enron coverups,
as documents are shredded and the White House seeks to conceal details about
meetings between Enron and Vice President Cheney.


Poll: Enron Hurting White House
NEW YORK, Feb. 28, 2002
The latest CBS News poll shows the fallout from the Enron bankruptcy
continues to haunt the Bush Administration. Majorities of Americans now think
the Bush administration and Vice President Dick Cheney are hiding something
about their dealings with Enron. For the Vice President, the Enron connection
comes in the form of the General Accounting Office lawsuit to access records
from his energy task force meetings with industry executives. Most Americans
believe big business has too much influence on both Congress and the current
Now, three quarters of the public think the Bush Administration is either
hiding something or lying when it comes to its dealings with Enron
executives, up from 67% just a month ago. The number of people who say the
Administration is lying has more than doubled, to one in five now. Only 13%
think members of the Bush Administration are telling the entire truth.


Telling the truth 13%
Hiding something 55
Lying 20

Telling the truth 17%
Hiding something 58
Lying 9
Moreover, a majority of the public, 56%, says the Bush Administration is
hiding "something the public needs to know" in their dealings with Enron.
Just a month ago, 44% said so.

Hiding something, public needs to know 56%
Hiding something, public doesn't need to know 19
Not hiding anything 13

Hiding something, public needs to know 44
Hiding something, public doesn't need to know 21
Not hiding anything 17....
There is another potential problem for the Bush Administration. Vice
President Dick Cheney is currently facing a lawsuit by the General Accounting
Office to make public records from meetings his energy task force held with
executives from the energy industry, including some executives from the
now-bankrupt Enron. 53% think Cheney is refusing to hand over records from
those meetings because he has something to hide, and 37% think he is doing so
on principle.
Hiding something 53%  Principle 37

The War on Terrorism is a fraud. Its purpose is to maintain carte blanche for
the ever more desperate agenda of American capital: the domination of the
continent of Eurasia, and the crushing of the Left worldwide, especially its
anti-capitalist core.
The "War on Terrorism" is indeed a fraud, as Australian film and print
journalist John Pilger has repeatedly pointed out. "Terrorism" is simply
taking the place of "Communism" during the Cold War as the propaganda line
spewed by the state and the corporate media to rally a confused and fearful
population against "enemies" who supposedly threaten them. This most
effective form of social control was recommended by Hitler's chief
propagandist, Josef Goebbels. The purpose of the "War on Terrorism" is to
maintain carte blanche for the ever more desperate agenda of American
capital: the domination of the continent of Eurasia (the critical sector of
which is Central Asia, precisely where the "War on Terrorism" just happens to
have begun), and the crushing of the Left worldwide, especially its
explicitly anti-capitalist core.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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