-Caveat Lector-


us terrorist attacks: news frames and filters
by Alex Burns ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - September 22, 2001

. . . there is rarely even any cognizance that the
media's rendition is itself "framed." Only if multiple
similar events are compared is it made evident that
conscious choices guided the media's coverage. Many
news frames appear to be natural, unforced, perhaps
even self-evident ways of reporting a story.
~~ Susan D. Moeller [1]

Media coverage of geopolitics has changed in the
post-Cold War era. News editors and journalists have
struggled with the emergence of geoeconomics, changing
political alliances, and information/issues overload.
In the aftermath of the US terrorist attacks (11
September 2001), journalists have also focused on
techniques to foresee Low Intensity Threats like
industrial espionage and terrorism.

Since Low Intensity Threats instantly emerge and
impact on media coverage, following a
surge-peak-regress curve, editors and journalists have
devised Foresight capabilities that were previously
the domain of corporate strategy divisions and
government intelligence agencies.
Information-gathering capabilities are upgraded,
global news flows are tracked in real-time,
flashpoints and hot-spots are monitored, non-linear
patterns and systems are identified, multiplistic and
open scenarios are formulated, and vast amounts of
data are analyzed.

Just as media resources have been shifted to handle
Low Intensity Threats, media conglomerates have
developed subtle news frames and filters to
micro-manage and profile their audiences. Internalized
by news journalists and editors, these filters become
part of individual beliefs, the organizational
cultures, and news media values. Since filters and
frames are ways to "chunk" information and "perceive"
issues, they effectively "control" the context of Low
Intensity Threats and how we react to specific
incidents. By examining different news filters and
frames, we may understand the US terrorist attacks
with greater depth, and hopefully gain insights into
how to identify and prevent future tragedies.

Moeller's Four-Stage Assassination & Terrorism News

In her excellent book Compassion Fatigue: How the
Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and Death (New York
and London: Routledge, 1999), author Susan D. Moeller
identifies a four-stage news cycle on assassination
and terrorism events.

The first stage focuses on the initial event,
constantly replaying key imagery and soundbites [2].
This stage captures the audience's attention and holds
their gaze. During coverage of the US terrorist
attacks, the most replayed footage was of the second
plane crashing into the World Trade Center towers.

In the second stage of the news cycle, the dominant
story becomes disclosing the perpetrator's identity
and seeking justice: "who is he (or who are they),
what was his motive, what threat remains and what is
the response of the authorities." [3] During coverage
of the US terrorist attacks, this stage included
speculation about Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden's
involvement, identifying the autonomous terrorist
cells and their members, FBI investigations of
Florida-based flight training, analyses of biological
and chemical warfare attacks, the possibility of a
terrorist attack on Boston, and President George
Bush's overtures to the Taliban to surrender Osama bin
Laden to US law enforcement authorities for

The third stage involves funerals and public mourning.
[4] Media coverage shifts back to the audience,
creating a psychological space to express grief and
purge negative emotions. During coverage of the
aftermath, this stage included funerals, candle-lit
vigils, the search for missing persons, patriotic and
solidarity events, and the psychological effects of
the damage.

The fourth stage creates a sense of closure, Moeller
claims "when the media reassert the supremacy of the
established political and social order." [5] This has
been conveyed through the press statements by
government officials, the continued Congressional and
Senate sessions, and the reassertion of patriotic US
social values.

Moeller believes that mainstream media coverage tends
to favor the status quo and marginalize opposing
interpretations and viewpoints, using sensationalistic
images and judgmental language to make visible a
Manichean moral code (a technique reliant on 19th
century melodramatic conventions) that will be
familiar to the receptive audience. "By repeating and
reinforcing words and images, the news frames a
certain construction of events and works to make
others invisible." [6]

Moeller also identifies five different types of visual
imagery that are prominent in news coverage of
assassinations and terrorist activities. These five
types are: 1. Images of the event. 2. Images of the
terrorists "accompany stories detailing the motives .
. . typically certify their fanaticism by showing them
with a crazed expression, wild eyes and disheveled
hair and clothing." [7] 4. Pictures of farewells,
funerals, religious ceremonies, and public mourners.
5. Pictures that re-establish that civil order and the
government will continue to function, and that despite
changes caused by the events, the status quo will

Moeller finally offers a perspective on how parallel
stories about the media itself, such as the comparison
between Internet usage and television viewers, emerges
from the different lead-times between broadcast and
print sources. [8] Moeller believes that this
technological pressure on news-gathering means that
journalists are replacing in-depth analysis and
objectivity with anecdotes and narratives, and that
storytelling and opinion pieces prove more popular
with audiences than weekend news analysis and trend
pieces. [9]

The convergence of news management techniques, faster
news-gathering cycles, 24-7 technological innovations,
and greater geopolitical complexity means that "the
media in their reporting on terrorism tend to be
judgmental, inflammatory, and sensationalistic." [10]
During coverage of the US terrorist attacks, aspects
of this convergence were observable, yet we must look
deeper into news culture to witness the long-term
implications and systemic roots that are driving these


[1] Susan D. Moeller. Compassion Fatigue: How the
Media Sell Disease, Famine, War and Death. New York
and London: Routledge, 1999. p. 164.

[2] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 160.

[3] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 166.

[4] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 166.

[5} Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 167.

[6] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 170.

[7] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. 172-173.

[8] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 165.

[9] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. pp. 167, 169.

[10] Susan D. Moeller. Ibid. p. 169.


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