2 cents...  if it was me, I'd choose between hg/bitbucket and
git/github...  not necessarely because I think they are the top of the
top, but because they seem to be the two most popular, and they seem
to be strongly viable...  and push come to shove, they are good

But that's only my two cents, an informed opinion.  The choice is
really yours.

In message <20140424052417.gy62...@over-yonder.net> on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 
00:24:17 -0500, "Matthew D. Fuller" <fulle...@over-yonder.net> said:

fullermd> > Well, I'll put together another mail to yack about VCSage.
fullermd>   (Directly cc'ing people who've Author'd commits since 2008[0], on
fullermd>   the theory that they're the most affected by the matter.)
fullermd> So in shuffling stuff around, the question of what to do with source
fullermd> repos comes up.  Current status: everything in mtn, Richard hosting.
fullermd> With Richard wanting to stop, and me not comfortable starting, we'll
fullermd> need that third option.  So, the obvious ways ahead I see are:
fullermd> - If I had my druthers[1], I'd stick everything in bzr[2], and
fullermd>   probably tap Launchpad for primary hosting.  That'd let us setup
fullermd>   team access easily enough.  Could setup a local HTTP dumb-server
fullermd>   mirror beside the website as fallback.
fullermd> - Keep things in mtn and host somewhere.  <http://code.monotone.ca>
fullermd>   and <http://mtn-host.prjek.net/> have been found/mentioned as
fullermd>   presumptively available 3rd party hosts.  I have no knowledge one
fullermd>   way or another on their stability or other suitability.  Or,
fullermd>   somebody here who wants can setup a host for it somewhere and we can
fullermd>   point at it.
fullermd> - Dump it into git and drop it on github.  Apparently that's what the
fullermd>   cool kids do nowadays.  Being the In Thing makes it theoretically
fullermd>   the option that makes it easiest for new contributors to jump in and
fullermd>   do stuff.  Whether that's really a barrier or would be a meaningful
fullermd>   gain for contributions to a C/Xlib window manager with a rather
fullermd>   small userbase in its 3rd decade, I look kinda doubtful at but
fullermd>   express no strong opinion.
fullermd> - ... other options that all seem a lot lower on the likelihood scale.
fullermd>   Someone here like hg/bitbucket?  Resident nutcase big into darcs?
fullermd>   Groundswell of opposition to DVCSen altogether wishing we were back
fullermd>   in CVS or stuck in SVN?  I don't see anything aside from the above 3
fullermd>   that looks particularly attractive at the moment, but I'll listen to
fullermd>   ideas.
fullermd> So.  Opinions and suggestions from people likely to end up using it,
fullermd> on what it should be?
fullermd> [0] Which I was about to say is "the last 4 years", except ermigawd
fullermd>     it's 6 years now.  Furrfu.
fullermd> [1] Well, first, I'd get them appraised, 'cuz who even knows the
fullermd>     market value of druthers nowadays?
fullermd> [2] Discussions of why $VCS1 over $VCS2 from the using-it perspective
fullermd>     elided.  If the topic's worth discussing we totally can, but
fullermd>     there's no point decanning those worms before we have to  :)
fullermd> -- 
fullermd> Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fulle...@over-yonder.net
fullermd> Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
fullermd>            On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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