[CuRhAt] sedih....

2006-01-13 Terurut Topik push up
  Gini neh temen2...aq mo curhat Aq kan punya temen cowok yang lumayan deket'lah.Kami belom lama deketnya,baru sekitar 1 bulanan gt deh.Jujur aq ada rasa ke dy.Soalnya dy baek bgt,slalu bantuin aq ngerjain tugas n slalu buat hari2Q berbeda; karna orgnya lucu...bgt.Lama kelamaan kami akr

Re: [CuRhAt] help me please....

2006-01-13 Terurut Topik sisca christina
hayyyaahhh jgn desperado secepet itu dunks jaman gini jgn mikirin nasib! nasib tuh bkn bwt drenungin n dsesalin tp drubah. lagipula, tipe ce d dunia ini kan beda2, jd cara ngedeketinnya jg beda2. mungkin cara yg lo pake bwt k ce yg lg lo sk saat ini kurang 'kena' d dy...jd dy krg suka. howev

[CuRhAt] Love means (just remind us of it)

2006-01-13 Terurut Topik Iis Saeful
    Friends are not the one who laugh when you laughand cry when you cry. They are the ones whomake you laugh and stop you from crying. Love is the feeling we fall in and out of, andevery time we fall off, we learn to hold ontighter...hoping that next time, we may never have to let go