I've started a new project [1] that uses curl, jq and perl to request and refresh OAuth bearer tokens from Google. I think this project will be useful for users of curl and libcurl that can no longer access their Google account through Google's now banned "less secure apps" access (ie username/password).

I did not find the process of obtaining Google OAuth tokens easy at all, and many of the existing scripts on the internet that retrieved a Google bearer token for curl use stopped working in 2022 when Google ended their deprecated "out of band" authorization procedure.

The project's README has a quick start and also explains each file. Here's a brief explanation of the three notable files:

credential.txt contains credential information from your Google cloud project. If you don't have a Google cloud project you'll have to create one as described in the README. You'll need to set client_id, client_secret and scope of access (eg you want to request a token that can access your gmail [2]).

bearer-new.pl gets new token info from Google after completing the required interactive authorization procedure, which must be done in the browser. The script launches the authorization page (eg Google asks do you allow your cloud app to access your gmail?) and receives the authorization result code from Google.

bearer-refresh.pl refreshes an expired or about to expire bearer token. This script is not interactive. Google's bearer tokens are ephemeral and will expire, usually within an hour. From what I've observed when the token info is refreshed Google responds with a different bearer token. In other words, Google will not extend the expiration of an existing bearer token it just generates a new one.

When valid token information is received by either script then the bearer token is formatted as curl configuration option --oauth2-bearer <token> [3] and written to bearer.cfg. You can access Google's REST API using curl like this:

./bearer-refresh.pl --quiet && \
curl -sS -K bearer.cfg https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/me/labels/INBOX | jq .messagesUnread

I wrote and tested the scripts in Windows and haven't tried them elsewhere. For Linux I have the bearer-new script call xdg-home to launch the Google URL that requires interactive consent, but I'm not sure if that is going to work asynchronously the way I expect.

Though I wrote the scripts to generate a Google bearer token (OAuth 2.0 access_token) formatted as a curl option, you can extract the token from token.json or bearer.cfg and use it with any application that supports bearer tokens.

I haven't written a revocation script yet, so if you need to revoke token info (lost, stolen etc) you'd have to 'remove access' entirely of the cloud app in your Google account's third-party apps list [4].

[1]: https://github.com/jay/curl_google_oauth
[2]: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes#gmail
[3]: https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html#--oauth2-bearer
[4]: https://myaccount.google.com/permissions

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