Updating src tree:
P src/bin/ed/undo.c
P src/distrib/alpha/rz25dist/Makefile
P src/distrib/amiga/miniroot/install.md
P src/distrib/sparc/install.md
P src/distrib/syspkg/notes/NOTES
P src/distrib/syspkg/notes/PROPOSAL
P src/include/signal.h
P src/lib/libc/compat/arch/powerpc64/sys/compat_missing.c
At Mon, 08 Jun 2020 16:42:42 -0700, "Greg A. Woods" wrote:
Subject: sysinst extended partitioning won't set/do the "newfs" flag!
> I'm having trouble getting the "new" sysinst, when using extended
> partitioning, to set the "newfs" flag (and the "-o log" flag).
> I can set it, but it never sti