If I understand correctly, it "should" work if I upgrade to current and not
just run the current kernel? Is there a way to there a way to roll back an
installation if things go wrong?

-----Original Message-----
From: RVP <r...@sdf.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 4:20 AM
To: Ron Georgia <netve...@gmail.com>
Cc: current-users@NetBSD.org
Subject: Re: NetBSD-9.99.x No Video

On Mon, 11 Apr 2022, Ron Georgia wrote:

> I apologize if this has already been addressed. I installed NetBSD 9.2 
> on my Intel computer. Everything works well. (Well, the video lags a 
> little). I downloaded netbsd-GENERIC.gz from 
> http://nyftp.netbsd.org/pub/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/latest/. I unzipped the 
> file and copy it to the root directory as a file called current.

In general, for -HEAD, you have to get the gpufw.tar.xz and modules.tar.xz
sets as well. Your problem may go away, or it may not, if you provide the
firmware blobs: the new DRM driver doesn't work on older Intel integrated
GPU cards (SandyBridge/IvyBridge gen.) if you boot the system in UEFI mode.

> I reboot and select the new kernel. Everything appears to be working 
> until the acpi checks? The PC locks up with a blank screen.

Or, is it this issue:



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