Here's one if anyone wants to try this on a physically local machine.

amd64, current from today, a simple "atf-run":

[   119.516347] uhub8: at uhub1 port 6 (addr 1) disconnected
[    21.000000] cpu10 at mainbus0 apid 9
[     1.000003] cpu10: AMD784.0900672] cpu0: Begin traceback...
[ 21784.090067] vpanic() at netbsd:vpanic+0x183
[ 21784.090067] panic() at netbsd:panic+0x3c
[ 21784.090067] bus_dmamap_sync() at netbsd:bus_dmamap_synG with Radeon 
Graphics         , id 0xa50f00
[     1.000003] cpu1 21784.0900672] rge_intr() at netbsd:rge_intr+0x16f
[ 21784.000090] acpi0: X/RSDT: OemId [ 21784.0900672] Xhandle_ioapic_edge16() at netbsd:Xhandle_ioapi acpi0: autoconfiguration error: invalid PCI address for D003
x86_stihlt() at netbsd:x86_stihlt+0x6
[ 21784.090067] acpicpu for D006
[     1.000003] acpi0: MCFG: segment 0, bus 0-127, addr72] idle_loop() at 
[ 21784.090067] cpu0: int 9
[     1.000003] acpi0: fixed power button present
[     1.000000] dump [   1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 
2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,

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