Author: jkeenan
Date: Fri Jan 18 18:45:20 2008
New Revision: 24982


Rewrite tests for Parrot::Revision.  Refactor lib/Parrot/ to extract 
code into internal sub.

Modified: branches/revision/lib/Parrot/
--- branches/revision/lib/Parrot/    (original)
+++ branches/revision/lib/Parrot/    Fri Jan 18 18:45:20 2008
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
 use warnings;
 use File::Spec;
-my $cache = q{.parrot_current_rev};
+our $cache = q{.parrot_current_rev};
-sub _get_revision {
+our $current = _get_revision();
+sub _get_revision {
     my $revision;
     if (-f $cache) {
         eval {
@@ -37,6 +38,20 @@
         return $revision unless $@;
+    $revision = _analyze_sandbox();
+    unless (-f $cache) {
+        eval {
+            open my $FH, ">", $cache;
+            print $FH "$revision\n";
+            close $FH;
+        };
+    }
+    return $revision;
+sub _analyze_sandbox {
+    my $revision = 0;
     # code taken from pugs/util/ rev 14410
     my $nul = File::Spec->devnull;
     if ( my @svn_info = qx/svn --xml info 2>$nul/ and $? == 0 ) {
@@ -66,19 +81,9 @@
-    $revision ||= 0;
-    unless (-f $cache) {
-        eval {
-            open my $FH, ">", $cache;
-            print $FH "$revision\n";
-            close $FH;
-        };
-    }
     return $revision;
-our $current = _get_revision();
 # Local Variables:

Modified: branches/revision/t/configure/017-revision_no_DEVELOPING.t
--- branches/revision/t/configure/017-revision_no_DEVELOPING.t  (original)
+++ branches/revision/t/configure/017-revision_no_DEVELOPING.t  Fri Jan 18 
18:45:20 2008
@@ -6,42 +6,39 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 11;
+use Test::More tests =>  7;
 use Carp;
-use_ok( 'File::Temp', qw| tempdir | );
+use Cwd;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path ();
+use File::Temp qw| tempdir |;
 use lib qw( lib );
-my ( $current, $config );
-# Case 2:  DEVELOPING's non-existence is faked;  Parrot::Config not yet 
available. #'
 my $cwd = cwd();
-my $reason =
-'Either file DEVELOPING does not exist or configuration has completed (as 
evidenced by existence of Parrot::Config::Generated';
-SKIP: {
-    skip $reason, 7 if ( ( not -e 'DEVELOPING' )
-        or ( -e q{lib/Parrot/Config/} ) );
+    my $rev = 16000;
     my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
     ok( chdir $tdir, "Changed to temporary directory for testing" );
-    ok( ( mkdir "lib" ),        "Able to make directory lib" );
-    ok( ( mkdir "lib/Parrot" ), "Able to make directory lib/Parrot" );
-    ok(
-        copy( "$cwd/lib/Parrot/", "lib/Parrot/" ),
-        "Able to copy Parrot::Revision for testing"
-    );
-    unshift( @INC, "lib" );
+    my $libdir = qq{$tdir/lib};
+    ok( (File::Path::mkpath( $libdir )), "Able to make libdir");
+    local @INC;
+    unshift @INC, $libdir;
+    ok( (File::Path::mkpath( qq{$libdir/Parrot} )), "Able to make Parrot dir");
+    ok( (copy qq{$cwd/lib/Parrot/},
+            qq{$libdir/Parrot}), "Able to copy Parrot::Revision");
+    my $cache = q{.parrot_current_rev};
+    open my $FH, ">", $cache
+        or croak "Unable to open $cache for writing";
+    print $FH qq{$rev\n};
+    close $FH or croak "Unable to close $cache after writing";
     require Parrot::Revision;
-    no warnings qw(once);
-    $current = $Parrot::Revision::current;
-    like( $current, qr/^\d+$/, "current revision is all numeric" );
+    no warnings 'once';
+    is($Parrot::Revision::current, $rev,
+        "Got expected revision number from cache");
     use warnings;
-    is( $current, 0, 'current is zero as expected' );
-    ok( chdir $cwd, "Able to change back to directory after testing" );
+    ok( chdir $cwd, "Able to change back to starting directory");
-# Case 3:  DEVELOPING exists; Parrot::Config available.
 pass("Completed all tests in $0");
 ################### DOCUMENTATION ###################

Modified: branches/revision/t/configure/018-revision.t
--- branches/revision/t/configure/018-revision.t        (original)
+++ branches/revision/t/configure/018-revision.t        Fri Jan 18 18:45:20 2008
@@ -6,25 +6,34 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests =>  8;
 use Carp;
-use_ok( 'File::Temp', qw| tempdir | );
+use Cwd;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Path ();
+use File::Temp qw| tempdir |;
 use lib qw( lib );
-use Parrot::Revision;
-my ( $current, $config );
-# Case 1:  DEVELOPING exists; Parrot::Config not yet available.
-my $reason =
-'Either file DEVELOPING does not exist, or configuration has completed 
(because Parrot::Config::Generated exists).';
-SKIP: {
-    skip $reason, 1 if ( ( not -e 'DEVELOPING' )
-        or ( -e q{lib/Parrot/Config/} ) );
-    $current = $Parrot::Revision::current;
-    like( $current, qr/^\d+$/, "current revision is all numeric" );
-}    # end SKIP block
+my $cwd = cwd();
+    my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+    ok( chdir $tdir, "Changed to temporary directory for testing" );
+    my $libdir = qq{$tdir/lib};
+    ok( (File::Path::mkpath( $libdir )), "Able to make libdir");
+    local @INC;
+    unshift @INC, $libdir;
+    ok( (File::Path::mkpath( qq{$libdir/Parrot} )), "Able to make Parrot dir");
+    ok( (copy qq{$cwd/lib/Parrot/},
+            qq{$libdir/Parrot}), "Able to copy Parrot::Revision");
+    require Parrot::Revision;
+    no warnings 'once';
+    like($Parrot::Revision::current, qr/^\d+$/,
+        "Got numeric value for reversion number");
+    use warnings;
+    my $cache = q{.parrot_current_rev};
+    ok( ( -e $cache ), "Cache for revision number was created");
+    ok( chdir $cwd, "Able to change back to starting directory");
 pass("Completed all tests in $0");

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