I would still love a collaborating statement saying I am interpreting this correctly. I vaguely remember having this question 5+ years ago, but cannot remember what I decided. The spec [http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl], in section 2.4.5, states:

   "Each fault element must be named to allow a binding to specify the
   concrete format of the fault message. The name of the fault element
   is unique within the set of faults defined for the operation."

This would seem to say that polymorphism/inheritance of fault elements is not supported. A concrete element structure must be named for each possible exception/SOAP fault that might be thrown/returned. Specifying the base "element" does not allow "derived" faults to be used unless explicitly listed in the operation. This means CXF is correct and the VMWare API is not.

As an aside, it would be nice if the expected Java exception were thrown in spite of the incorrect WSDL. I could write a replacement ClientFaultConverter or an additional InFaultInterceptor. I was trying to figure out how to get the exception's Java class from the QName. Is there an easy JaxB helper method or map that will give me that? Or is there another existing way to do this? Thank you.


Frederick N. Brier wrote:
I thought it was yet another problem with the web service not declaring a SOAP fault on an operation, but now I am not sure. The SOAP operation listed a Fault that was of a base type of the fault that was thrown. When ClientFaultConverter iterated over the operation's listed faults it did not match. So it threw a generic SoapFault. So what does SOAP 1.1 standard say? Should a WSDL list each fault even if they are extensions of some base element? Or should listing a base element as the fault be acceptable, inheriting not just form, but function? If the latter, then ClientFaultConverter would need to be amended in some fashion. Thank you for any insight on this.


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