Je ne résiste pas au plaisir de copier ici une phrase de
la rubrique de Jerry Pournelle dans Byte à propos
de la conférence WinHex

"As Allchin wound into his speech, Peter Glaskowsky muttered "They seem to have forgotten
Rule One of PC development: copy what Apple does." Fortunately I was the only one who heard him.
It did set me thinking, so I missed a few paragraphs of the presentation."

Par contre dans le Washington Post :

"The fax did not go out on the first try, or the second, or the third: Each time, the fax software
in Panther failed to even dial and gave up after maybe half a minute, offering a vague error message
that seemed to suggest it couldn't talk to the modem in the computer.

Positive that this was the software's fault, I resorted to my usual troubleshooting method: searching
through Apple and other discussion forums for advice while cursing vociferously. I ran cleanup utilities,
deleted and recreated my settings and tried faxing to different numbers. I even rebooted the Mac to
see if that would fix the problem, and only achieved a slight variation in error messages for my troubles.

Finally, I stuck my head under the desk and saw that the phone wire had gotten unplugged.
Duh. I plugged it back in and the fax went out on my next attempt."

Avec la fiche dans la prise ... et bien cela fonctionne ... Etonnant n'est-il pas !


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