> Picture  this - a 14 year old boy sitting on a bench in full
>  rugger kit the school playing field changing room repeatedly
>  cocks and then fires an unloaded 9mm Sterling SMG, marvelling
>  at the simplicity of the action and listening attentively to
>  the 16 year old boy who has just taken the SMG out of the
>  school CCF armoury to show him how it works.

I had similar experiences, and in the same era. I can remember roaming around 
Kent in battledress and carrying a No 4 Lee Enfield, even on one occasion 
hitching a lift in that condition. I don't remember anyone batting an eyelid 
or even passing comment. My school had a full armoury, holding rifles, SMGs 
and Bren guns but the last time I went back there, about 10 years ago, it had 

I can also remember shooting .22 rifle at the range under the Bank of England 
back in the 60's. I wonder if that range is still there. Anyone know?

S C Catt, Preston, Lancashire, UK

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