I personally pulled this off of the Senate Web Page.
Go to and search for "SB-2099" for

Tell you Congress critters, not only "NO", but "Hell NO".



Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000 (Introduced in the Senate)

S 2099 IS 

                                         106th CONGRESS

                                            2d Session

                                             S. 2099

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the registration of
handguns, and for other purposes. 

                             IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES

                                        February 24, 2000

Mr. REED introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the
Committee on Finance 

                                             A BILL

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the registration of
handguns, and for other purposes. 

     Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress


     This Act may be cited as the `Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000'.



          (1) IN GENERAL- Section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(defining firearm) is amended by
          striking `and (8) a destructive device' and inserting `(8) a handgun;
and (9) a destructive device'.

          (2) DEFINITION OF HANDGUN- Section 5845 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986 (relating to definitions)
          is amended by adding at the end the following:

     `(n) HANDGUN-

          `(1) IN GENERAL- The term `handgun' means any weapon (including a
starter gun) which--

               `(A) is designed to or may be readily converted to expel a
projectile by the action of an explosive, and

               `(B) has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by
the use of a single hand.

          `(2) DISASSEMBLED PARTS INCLUDED- Such term shall also include the
frame or receiver of any such
          weapon, and any combination of parts from which a handgun can be
assembled if such parts are in the possession
          or under the control of a person.

          `(3) EXCLUSION- Such term shall not include a firearm classified as
`any other weapon' under subsection (e).'.

     (b) TRANSFER TAX IMPOSED ON HANDGUNS- Section 5811(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 (relating
     to rate) is amended by inserting `or as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8)'
after `section 5845(e)'.

     (c) TAX ON MAKING FIREARMS IMPOSED ON HANDGUNS- Section 5821(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code
     of 1986 (relating to rate) is amended by inserting `, except, the tax on
any firearm classified as a handgun under section
     5845(a)(8) shall be at the rate of $50 for each such firearm made' after
`firearm made'.


          (1) IN GENERAL- Section 5844 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to importation) is amended by
          adding at the end the following: `This section shall not apply to any
firearm classified as a handgun under section

          (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 925(d)(3) of title 18, United States
Code, is amended by
          inserting `(without regard to paragraph (8) thereof)' after `section


          (1) IN GENERAL- Section 6103(o) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to disclosure of returns and
          return information with respect to certain taxes) is amended by adding
at the end the following:

          `(3) TAXES IMPOSED ON TRANSFER OF HANDGUNS- Returns and return
information with respect to
          taxes imposed by part II of subchapter A of chapter 53 (relating to
tax on transferring firearms) on any firearm
          classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) shall be available in
an on-line format for inspection by or
          disclosure to officers and employees of--

               `(A) any Federal law enforcement agency, and

               `(B) any State or local law enforcement agency,

          whose official duties require such inspection or disclosure.'.

          (2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS- Section 6103(p)(4) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 is

               (A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A)--

                    (i) by striking `or (o)(1)' and inserting `(o)(1), or

                    (ii) by striking `or (l)(6)' and inserting `(l)(6)',

                    (iii) by inserting `or (o)(3)(B),' after `(16),', and

               (B) in subparagraph (F)(i)--

                    (i) by striking `or (l)(6)' and inserting `(l)(6)', and

                    (ii) by inserting `or (o)(3)(B),' after `(16),', and

               (C) in subparagraph (F)(ii), by striking `or (o)(1)' and
inserting `, (o)(1), or (o)(3)(A)'.


          (1) IN GENERAL- Any person possessing any firearm classified as a
handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of the
          Internal Revenue Code of 1986 not registered in the National Firearms
Registration and Transfer Record
          maintained by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 5841 of such
Code shall register such handgun--

               (A) within 1 year of the date of the enactment of this Act, or

               (B) upon the transfer of such handgun before such 1 year
anniversary date.

          (2) TREATMENT OF REGISTRATION AS TRANSFER- For purposes of any tax
imposed by part II of
          subchapter A of chapter 53 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986
(relating to tax on transferring firearms) on any
          firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of such Code,
any registration of such handgun under
          paragraph (1)(A) shall be considered a transfer of such handgun.

          (3) NONAPPLICATION OF PENALTY- Section 5861(d) of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986 shall not
          apply with respect to the possession of any handgun before the date of
the registration of such handgun under
          paragraph (1).


          (1) AVAILABILITY- To promote and assist compliance with the handgun
registration requirements under the
          Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by this section, the
Secretary of the Treasury shall make available
          such registration and fingerprint forms as may be required by the
public for compliance with such requirements--

               (A) to State and local law enforcement agencies and facilities of
the Department of the Treasury throughout
               the States, the United States Postal Service, and such other
agencies and departments of the Federal
               Government as the Secretary determines would aid in making such
forms available to the public; and

               (B) through the Internet in a downloadable format.

          (2) SINGLE FORM- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make available
registration forms that allow an individual
          to register the possession or transfer of more than 1 firearm
classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of
          the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 on a single form.

     (h) PROGRAM OF PUBLIC AWARENESS- Within 60 days after the date of the
enactment of this Act, the Secretary
     of the Treasury shall commence a program to broaden public awareness of the
handgun registration requirements under
     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by this section. Such program
may include voluntary cooperative efforts
     with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and public service
announcements as deemed appropriate by the

     (i) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be
appropriated such sums as may be
     necessary for the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out the provisions of
and amendments made by this Act.

     (j) EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendments made by this section shall take effect
on the date of the enactment of this Act.
Yep, nothing about the police being required to sign the form,
so they probably wouldn't.


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