From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>So can this senior officer be charged with "malfeasance in
>public office" then?

           Yes, if the PC's who were witnesses come forward. And then the
problems which I described in an earlier posting apply. Their only defence
for not acting would be duress of circumstances. "I vos only followink ze
orders" would not do.

The real significance of this story is that the troops have had enough and
are rebelling against the present politicaly correct regime. The same thing
happened at the stop the city demonstration earlier this year when Winston
Churchill's statue was desecrated but did not reach the national press

There is a petition circulating in the Met. BTW in support of the PC who was
dismissed for saying bad words. This is unprecedented in my service. It is
rumored that the senior officers concerned immediately stripped the PC of
his uniform and sent him home in one of the paper suits which rapists get,
but this is unconfirmed.

The originator of the petition is however a member of a "visible ethnic
minority" and they have been left alone I understand.

Unlike the late "IG", I am reluctant to give an opinion on policy because
the disipline code reserves that for senior officers. I will discuss law as
much as you like however, in order to comply with my oath <g>.

Regards,  John Hurst.

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