OK - I've sat quietly on the sidelines reading most of the to's and
fro's on this. We all know IG has his Ups and Downs in moods, but
generally go along with it for entertainment even though he frequently (
sad but true ) makes some sense.

However, this last lot has prodded me just a bit too much to let go
without comment - not on the issues - but on the surrounding

IG , I accept you are also a shooter, and many of your comments /
remarks have some sense to them, but - and I have checked for paranoia,
negative this time - are you just winding the list up so your mates in
the trade ( AFO or whatever ) can reel the guys in one at a time come
renewal time ?

I know - you're going to say - nasty supicious mind - but there again,
they also say " once a copper always a copper" and I have to admit yes I
was there in uniform many many years ago. Seen that , been there, got
the tee-shirt. The " Mind-set " you write in may not seem out of the
ordinary to you, or to your fellow officers, but do please be assured -
it is not only noticeable but well-noted by those of the joe-public who
once would gladly have stood alongside you in any affray - but sadly no
longer. I speak generically of course - I still have many trusted
friends in the force / service - who knows, you may even be one of them

Happy Christmas guys - don't forget the Countryside March next Spring.

David M - Sussex

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