Sorry chaps, I've had real difficulty formating it this time - Seems AOL 6 
doesn't act like AOL 5 and won't handle longer e-mails in the same way.

Part Two


   I continue to object to the expansion of the color code to place "Black" 
beyond "Red."  In Red you have made the deci-
sion to take the irrevocable step.  You have no place further to go than that 
and there is no need to clutter up the scene.


   The following from family member David Kahn from Morrison, Colorado.
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."


   Family member and master instructor Tom Russell points out to us that we 
have been teaching the wrong things here 
in the rifle program.  It turns out that Kenney Jarrett, of Jarrett Rifles 
Incorporated, claims that his rifles are so good that 
they breed such confidence that the shooter does not have to know how to 
shoot—the rifle takes care of that for him.  To 
quote: "They don't hesitate pulling the trigger because they know they're 
going to hit what they shoot at."  Well, doggone!  
Forget about sights, forget about trigger control, forget about solid 
position, just buy a Jarrett rifle and you will hit whatever 
you shoot at, under any conditions.  Contrary to what I have always felt and 
taught, it is the rifle, not the shooter that hits 
the target.  (Now sure-as-shootin', somebody is going to believe that I said 
that seriously.)


"The only people I know who are trusted by their government are the Swiss."
— Derek Heale


   I have never been much interested in air guns, but I have run across an 
air pistol from Germany recently that really 
caught my fancy.  On this piece the primary tube is the gas chamber, and 
around it, like a snake, is wrapped the barrel, 
starting top dead center aft and winding up top dead center forward, 
describing a 360 degree circle.  Now why is this?  It 
appears that if you start the projectile at the breech and rotate it one full 
turn by the time it reaches the muzzle you can 
employ a smooth-bore and spin the projectile without rifling.  This is a 
truly exotic idea, and the pistol itself is a truly bi-
zarre artifact.  I am not sure what is gained by this system, since I cannot 
read the German that well, but I must certainly 
grant these people first prize for ingenuity .

   Since we now have computers to do our thinking for us, here are few 
questions for your machine:
           Was American Negro chattel slavery an institution extensible into 
the American West?
           What should be the qualifications for the franchise?
    What was the effect of the institution of chivalry upon the Age of 
           Is there such a thing as natural law?
        Can a moral government exist without religion?
   Go ahead and punch the keys!


   The Horiuchi case is still open—to the public, if not to the courts.  
Horiuchi was defended by Solicitor General Seth 
Waxman who told the court that it did not matter whether Vicki Weaver's death 
was the result of excessive force.  "These 
federal law enforcement officials are privileged to do what would otherwise 
be unlawful if done by a private citizen. It is a 
fundamental function of our government."  It is not clear to me that the 
deliberate murder of an unarmed woman by a fed-
eral agent who was himself in no danger "is a fundamental function of our 
government."  The proper adjective for this act 
is atrocious.  One wonders why that is not clear to Waxman.


   In cruising the great hall at the SHOT Show, we noticed that fully two out 
of three people on the floor had cellular 
phones permanently screwed into their ears.  Modern medicine being what it 
is, it is possible that there will be a next step.  
Before long we should be able to have a cellular phone implanted into the 
mastoid bone and never have to think for our-
selves again.


   The relationship between the client and the guide remains as mystifying as 
ever.  By choice, the guide should show 
the client the animal at a reasonable range and then drop the subject. This 
assumes that the hunter knows what he is 
doing, which is sometimes a dangerous assumption.  The hunter, however, 
should by all means control the shot and not 
be told when or when not to shoot.  The guide not infrequently finds that his 
hunter has become procedurally paralyzed 
and incapable of making the vital decision.  If this is the case, urging him 
to shoot may not help matters since he may 
press trigger without proper concentration on his shooting.  Cases are 
different, of course, but it is certainly a splendid 
experience for the guide to discover that his hunter knows exactly what he is 
doing, and is doing it right.  This is usually 
the case when the hunter has been exposed to a proper course of instruction 
with the rifle, but there are not many of 
those available.  Sometimes a sportsman will do well on this first trial 
without any trace of buck fever.  This is to be hoped 
for, but not necessarily expected.


   I have been taken to task by one correspondent for pushing the Steyr Scout 
too much—at the expense of other rifles 
now on the market.  The Steyr Scout was conceived and designed to do 
everything, and it does.  The other two interest-
ing rifles on the market, as I have pointed out, are the Blaser 93 and Jim 
West's "Co-pilot."  If you are going for elephants 
or buffalo, you should use a heavy.  But elephant and buffalo are 
specialties.  The general-purpose rifle is the Steyr Scout, 
though the factory is apparently trying to keep that a secret.


   So here we go again in extolling the Steyr Scout. What follows is an 
extract from a letter from John Papanicolaou.  I 
simply could not resist reprinting it.
"Thank you for helping me fall in love again. I am speaking, of course, of 
the Steyr Scout rifle.  I took your 
pistol class in August and, although I had considered buying the rifle but 
dismissed the idea as too costly, 
I was swayed by your high praise for it.  Then, when I got the opportunity to 
handle it at the reception at 
your house, I was sold.  I was not prepared, however, for the joy that 
overcame me when I actually un-
packed, handled and fired my own Scout.  It was love at first sight, and I 
believe I walked around with a 
stupid grin on my face that day."

"Hollywood Gore Supporters Need Your Help
George W. Bush is established as our next President.  This will have 
catastrophic results in our vital—no, 
indispensable—entertainment industry.  Barbra Streisand, Martin Sheen, Susan 
Sarandon, Whoopie 
Goldberg, Alec Baldwin—among many others—have sworn to leave the country if 
George W. Bush was 
elected President.  And this is where YOU can help.  We need volunteers to 
help pack and to load mov-
ing vans.  We also need airfare for these irreplaceable national treasures so 
they can relocate before they 
change their minds.  For the cost of a small SUV, you can sponsor one of 
these celebrities and their un-
fortunate relocation.  You will know that your efforts are helping when you 
receive postcards, letters and 
pictures from your chosen "refugees" as they learn to become useful citizens 
in the Third World country of 
their choosing.  You will help, won't you?  It costs so little but it means 
so much. Call 1-800-DEPART-A-
CELEB now.  Operators are standing by.  Major credit cards are accepted."
— Hawaii Rifle Association Newsletter, Dec. 2000


   Many of the best things in life are unappreciated until you begin to lose 
them.  Consider good health, good brakes—
and political liberty.


   This from Bruce Snyder, Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
"As further testimony to this [Bausch & Lomb] scope system, I need to share 
one final comment.  I was in 
Victoria, Australia about to hunt for hogs.  Because a group of us had flown 
down from Sydney we 
wanted to insure the airlines hadn't mistreated our rifles and were checking 
zero on a 44-gallon oil drum 
about 100 yards down range.  A city slicker from Sydney asked if he could 
take a shot.  We gave him the 
basic hold and squeeze instructions. On his first shot, he allowed the recoil 
and the scope to bite him 
above the right eye.  This guy stood up, looked at the rifle a second and 
then threw it flat down in the dirt.*  
My heart sank and I just knew the scope was a gonner.  While others attended 
this guy's eyebrow cut, I 
attended to the rifle.  There was absolutely no harm done.  An hour and a 
half later, this scope and rifle 
dropped a running boar at about 125 yards with one shot. The scope and its 
cross hairs had not moved!!!!  
Maybe this scope and rifle are some exception to some experience others have 
had.  But, forty years of 
shooting to the same spot with no adjustment says something for a 
fixed-reticle design."

* And this was an Aussie!


   "Security is mostly a superstition.  It does not exist in nature, nor do 
the children of men as a 
whole experience it.
   Avoidance of danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.  
Life is either a daring ad-
venture, or nothing."
— Helen Keller, The Open Door, 1902

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