From:   "Alex Hamilton", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An interesting, if long, article on the anti-gun lobby in USA, which
proves that written constitution "cast in stone" is not a good defence
against those bent on changing it.  Reference to the Cop-Killer bullets
might be of interest to the technically informed, too.

I am pleased to note that the Americans are not falling in the same trap
as we did after Dunblane and that they are making good use of our
"experience".  But it seems that the antis will never listen to reason,
because admitting that they are irrational or wrong would deprive them
of the purpose to live and leave them wandering aimlessly in this
peaceful world.

So, the only way to deal with them is to treat them as a danger to
logical thought,  danger to freedom and democracy and, most certainly,
the danger to public safety.  In anyone's Constitution, written or
implied, this amounts to treason and those that follow this infestation
should be treated as the enemies of the state (read "people")!

If the Nazis re-appeared in large numbers they would be banned and
persecuted in any civilised society!
So, in what way are those opposed to sport any different?  The fact that
they are antis is a misdemeanour in itself and my suggestion is that we
should not grant them free expression but point them out as thick,
stupid, irresponsible and expose them to ridicule.

They are guilty of misleading our hard working, public spirited and very
honest government, so why don't we form an Anti antis lobby and register
it as a charitable movement devoted to Education?


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National Review Online
Guest Comment

7/31/00 12:05 p.m.

Cheney's Cop-Killer Rap: If you [Kopel means "you gun-banners"] can't
the truth, be very afraid of W.'s running mate.

By Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute

Why was Dick Cheney one of 21 representatives to vote against a ban on
called "cop-killer bullets"?

Al Gore's surrogates would have you believe that Cheney supports the
murder of police officers. In truth, the Cheney vote was a vote for
truth over lies, and principle over expediency. There never has been
such a thing as a "cop-killer bullet." That the issue ever arose in
Congress shows that modern Washington is just as susceptible to
believing impossible things as was the English Parliament that made it a
felony to use "Witchcraft, Inchantment, Charm or Sorcery, to tell where
Treasure is to be found, or where Things lost or
Stolen may be found."

The story of the nonexistent "cop-killer bullet" actually begins in 1976
in Massachusetts, when a handgun-confiscation initiative was defeated in
a landslide. Then in 1982 in California, a handgun "freeze" initiative
also lost overwhelmingly. The gun-prohibition lobbies began to realize
that they would have to work more incrementally, rather than pushing for
prohibition outright. (Hence the current Gore proposal to require
everyone to get a federal license to buy a handgun. Once the licensing
system is in place, it can gradually be
made ever-more difficult, by administrative fiat, for anyone to actually
get a license.)

The prohibition lobbies also realized that the police were one of their
worst problems. While a few police chiefs or sheriffs could always be
found to support prohibition, the vast majority of police - both
commanders and line officers - were "pro-gun," and extremely skeptical
of gun control. Something had to be done to turn the police (or at least
their Washington lobbyists) against the National Rifle Association.

The something, ironically, was an obscure type of ammunition
invented by police officers two decades before. These bullets
were known as KTW bullets, after the initials of the three
persons involved in law enforcement who invented them for
use in SWAT teams. While ordinary bullets have a lead core,
the KTW bullets used denser metals, and therefore had greater
penetration ability. The bullets had not been available for
sale to the general public since the 1960s.

Despite the fact that the KTW bullets were not on sale in any gun store
in the United States, NBC television discovered them in 1982 and
announced that they were a tremendous threat to police lives. The
"cop-killer bullet" scare was born.

With the kind of self-righteous ignorance that characterizes most of the
old edia's handling of the gun issue, the bullets were described as
"Teflon bullets." Supposedly, the Teflon coating allowed the bullet to
penetrate a policeman's "bulletproof vest." Actually, a Teflon coating
is applied to the outside of a wide variety of ordinary ammunition, and
has nothing to do with better penetrability. Instead, the Teflon reduces
the lead abrasion caused by the bullet's movement down the barrel of the

Penetrability, on the other hand, is based on the kinetic energy carried
by the bullet. Kinetic energy, as every first-year physics student knows
(perhaps nobody in the old media ever took physics) is the product of
velocity and mass. (More precisely, kinetic energy is equal to 1/2 the
mass times the velocity squared. Penetrating ability is also influenced
by the shape of the bullet and the hardness of its surface.) Since
tungsten has a higher density than lead, a tungsten-core bullet will
have greater mass, and therefore
greater kinetic energy, and therefore greater penetrability.

As actual police officers know, the vests that they wear are
"bullet-resistant," not "bullet-proof." The body armor comes in a
variety of grades. The higher the grade, the bulkier and less
comfortable the armor is to wear, but the more ammunition that it can

At the top of the scale is Threat Level IVA armor, which is ceramic, and
can stop even a high-powered rifle bullet. It takes a very strong vest
to stop a big-game hunting-rifle bullet: The bullet travels at very high
velocity, due to the long length of the rifle barrel; and has a high
mass, since a hunting-rifle bullet must be large enough to bring down a
moose, elk, or other largemammal. The main people who wear Threat Level
IV or IVA ceramic hard armor are SWAT team members on high-risk

Far more common for ordinary police use is "soft" body armor made from
Kevlar, and rated at Threat Levels II through IIIA. Level II armor can
stop some handgun ammunition, while Level IIIA can stop almost any
handgun bullet. Handgun ammunition is much easier to stop than rifle
ammunition, since the handgun barrel is much shorter (less velocity) and
handgun bullets are smaller (less mass).

The gun-prohibition ventriloquists and their old-media dummies had
worked the first stage of the scam: warning the public about the
"cop-killer bullet." Never mind that it wasn't on sale. Never mind that
there had never been a known instance of a police officer being shot at,
let alone killed, with such a bullet.

The bait was set. Now for the switch. Rep. Mario Biaggi (who would later
leave Congress due to felony convictions involving extensive personal
corruption) introduced a bill to outlaw all ammunition that could
penetrate soft-body armor. This could lead to ban on most rifle
ammunition, since most rifle ammo
will penetrate soft-body armor. Soft-body armor is designed to stop
handgun ammunition, not rifle ammunition.

When this fact was pointed out, the old media and the gun-prohibition
lobbies sneered that NRA members wanted to go deer-hunting with
cop-killer Teflon bullets.

As the debate continued, the constant repetition of the phrase
"cop-killer bullet" helped drive a wedge between the NRA and many police
officers. The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) - the largest
rank-and-file police group in the U.S. - had been an enthusiastic
supporter of the McClure-Volkmer Firearms
Owners Protection Act (FOPA), a bill to reform abusive BATF enforcement
of the 1968 Gun Control Act.

But after the "cop-killer" controversy, the police group's director
switched sides, and announced that FOPA was a grave threat to the lives
of police officers. FOPA itself had nothing to do with KTW or Teflon
ammunition, but the FOP director's broader point was his anger over the
"cop-killer bullet" issue.

More generally, the issue placed the NRA on the defensive, and impeded
the NRA's goal of pushing FOPA into law. Many of the NRA's friends in
Congress and White House quietly insisted that something be done to get
rid of the issue.

Handgun Control, Inc., and the rest of the panic-and-prohibition lobbies
(on many issues besides guns) are quite right to be worried about Dick
Cheney. It's not primarily about Cheney's voting record - which on gun
issues in the House of Representatives was very similar to Rep. Al
Gore's. It's not even primarily about banning rifle ammunition, although
Cheney's election would probably spell the end of that particular issue.

The much greater problem is that Cheney is very smart; he learns the
facts; he doesn't fall for the old media's summary of an issue; and (in
great contrast to Bob Dole), his idea of a good law is not "anything
that makes a
sufficient number of lobbying factions happy." Most dangerously of all,
from HCI's point of view, Cheney will have the president's respect and
his attention.

Now imagine the situation 18 months from now. The prohibition groups
have just worked the old media into a tizzy over "laser shotguns" or
"handgun-mounted grenade launchers" or "invisible ammunition" or some
other nonexistent product causing a nonexistent problem. The president's
pollsters explain that 84 percent of the public says "yes" when asked
"Do you want the government to do something about laser shotguns and
invisible ammunition in the hands of violent criminals, psychopaths, and
foreign terrorists?"

If you think this situation is unlikely, just remember the spring of
1989, when so-called "semiautomatic assault weapons" were all the rage.
Only cosmetically were "assault weapons" different from other guns.
Indeed, the 1994 federal ban focused exclusively on cosmetics
(e.g., accessories like bayonet lugs, or a second grip on a
rifle that protrudes "conspicuously"). The guns do not fire
faster than other guns, and their ammunition power is on the
low end for rifles. Police statistics show that the guns are
rarely used in crime. But President George Bush III didn't
know any better, so he proclaimed that he too was against
"automated attack weapons." Dan Quayle didn't know any better
either, and even if he had, President Bush wouldn't have paid
attention to him.

But in 2001, consider what will happen when Vice President Cheney
schedules a meeting with the second President Bush, to explain to the
president that there's no such thing as "invisible ammunition" or "laser
shotguns" - or "bubblegum-flavored chewing tobacco" or "nicotine beer"
or "a nationwide network of hate groups which specialize in lynching
transvestites" - or whatever other phony terror some lobbying groups and
their media dupes have fabricated.

For the many prohibition groups who can't handle the truth, Dick Cheney
could be the worst thing that ever happened to them.

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