From:   RustyÿBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Guess who still has his handgun, no concealed carry permit
mind you, just slung on his hip for all to see. 

Desperate Dan of course, that childrens favourite for half
a century is openly flouting the British governments handgun
ban. Of course the location of Dan's adventures seem to vary
from issue to issue, from the wild west to Scotland, Dan's
trusty side arm never leaves his side.

My daughter has started reading the Dandy, an old family
tradition. The happy time spent guiding her through the
wonderful stories are sometimes dashed, my lip quivering
whenever she asks the question "daddy what's that brown
pouch thing on Dan's belt". Not wishing to burden a child
with the futile details of the handgun ban I suggest we
move on to Beryl the Peril.

Tooled up as he is, try as he might, Desperate Dan cannot
escape from the political correctness brigade - in the
current issue Dan goes to buy some new boots, only to be
offered ones made from "imitation elephant hide".

Any of the older Dandy readers out there know what kind
of pistol Dan packs? - despite his size, my guess is an
ivory handled, nickel plated, .32 S&W.

I've already asked the publishers the same question, also
whether Dan has ever drawn his trusty pistol and in which
issue - I'll post the reply.


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