11 December 2000



The impact of the Human Rights Act, young people's access to guns and
the hooligan misuse of airguns are among a range of issues to be
examined by an independent Government firearms advisory group.

The Firearms Consultative Committee (FCC) today announced its planned
programme of work for the next coming year. In addition to any
matters referred to it by the Home Secretary, the issues the
Committee will consider include:

- age limits and young shots.
- air weapons;
- ammunition component parts;
- appeals against certificate conditions;
- deactivated firearms;
- controls over powerful 'material destruction' rifles and similar
- the introduction of a 'good reason' requirement for shotgun
certificate holders.
- revision of the Home Office 'Firearms Law: Guidance to the Police',
- Human Rights Act;
- lethality of air weapons and other firearms;
- long-barrelled revolvers;
- referees for firearm certificate applications;
- replica and imitation firearms;
- research issues;
- section 7(3) firearms and ammunition; and
- controls over target shooting disciplines.

Announcing the programme of work, FCC Chairman, David Mr Penn, said.

"Following the Government's response to the Home Affairs Committee's
report on controls over firearms, there is a wide range of issues to
consider. This is an ambitious programme of work, which covers a
number of important areas.

"We are keen to take account in our discussions of as many views as
possible and particularly welcome comments from members of the

The Committee also welcomes suggestions on further topics for
consideration. Anyone wishing to make representations to the
Committee should write to the Secretary to the Firearms Consultative
Committee, Room 543, 50 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9AT.

The FCC advises the Government on firearms issues. This will be its
eleventh annual programme of work, on which it will report to the
Home Secretary in September 2001.

Notes to Editors

1. For further information contact the Home Office press office.

2. The Firearms Consultative Committee is a statutory advisory body
established under Section 22 of the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988.

3. The purpose of the Committee is to bring together various areas of
expertise and interest - those responsible for policing and
administering the firearms controls, campaigning and representative
bodies, and experts in weapons technology and the professional,
sporting and recreational use of guns.

4. Its function is to review the workings of the firearms legislation
and to make recommendations to the Home Secretary for improving or
changing it. It will also advise the Home Secretary on any other
matter which he may refer to it.

5. The Committee published its Tenth Annual Report on 9 December

6. The Committee is chaired by Mr David Penn of the Imperial War
Museum. Its other members are:

Mr Brian Carter Firearms Consultant. Gun Trade
Association and Shooting Sports Trust.

Col Sandy Ewing Former Chief Executive, National Rifle
Association, former army Colonel

Mr Bill Harriman Head of Firearms, British Association for
Shooting and Conservation

AC James Hart Assistant Commissioner, City of London
Police, Chair of Association Chief Police
Officers Sub-Committee on Firearms

Lt Col John Hoare Secretary, National Small-Bore Rifle
Association. former Lt Colonel

Mr Mike Lobb Firearms Licensing Officer.
Northamptonshire Constabulary

Mrs Gill Marshall-Andrews Chair, Gun Control Network. Former
probation officer

DCC David McCrone Deputy Chief Constable, Greater Manchester
Police. Chair of the Association of Chief
Police Officers Sub-Committee on the
Criminal Use of Firearms

ACC Kenneth McInnes Assistant Chief Constable, Fife
Constabulary, Chair of the Association of
Scottish Chief Police Officers General
Policing Committee

Mr Kevin O'Callahan Forensic Science Service

Mr Bob Pitcher Proof Master, London Proof House

Mr Roger Sanbrook Head of Firearms Policy Unit, HM Customs
& Excise

Mr Mark Scoggins Solicitor. Represented BSSC during Lord
Cullen's Inquiry.

Prof. Jonathan Shepherd Victim Support. Surgeon specialising in
firearms wound ballistics

Dr Stephen Smith Technical advisor, National Farmers Union

Mr Ian Sneddon Head of Police Division, Scottish

Mr Graham Widdecombe Police Policy Directorate, Home Office

Mr Arthur Winnington Farmer and magistrate.
Will anyone knowledgeable about things such as .50BMG and
other subjects please make the effort to write to the FCC
at the above address.


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