From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

EMAIL ADDRESS OF WRITER:- Elizabeth Bromstein's E-mail address is

PUBLICATION: Montreal Gazette
DATE: 2001.01.09
COLUMN: Page Four Column
SOURCE: Freelance

Home, home on the range: Pistol-packing mama guns for tranquility

There are so many things I've never done. I've never gone skydiving.
I've never been on a spiritual quest. I've never crowd-surfed, smoked crack,
won a beauty pageant, read War and Peace, been a Bond girl or battled a gang
of ninjas. You might say I haven't really lived. Up until last week, I had
shot a gun either. And it dawned on me recently, while reading yet another
article on gun control, that unlike battling ninjas or smoking crack, this
actually something I wanted to try.

I know all kinds of people who grew up target-shooting on farms, but
coming from a very urban upbringing, I had never even had the opportunity to
touch a gun - oh, except for the time my friend Paddy found one. We were
to turn it in, but forgot his bag in the restaurant where we stopped for
The only other thing in there was his flute. I can imagine the look on
the face of whoever found it.

Secret Location
So I decided to give it a go. The first thing I discovered is that, unlike
how I imagine the U.S. to be (shooting galleries in the back rooms of
privatized liquor stores), it's not easy to find somewhere to shoot in
Montreal. It took some investigating before I found a place; even then,
I was asked to please keep the name and location secret.
Club members are understandably afraid of being swamped with the wrong
kind of visitors - anti-gun zealots.
I agreed and was invited to come on down for a handgun-shooting lesson.
Bill (last name withheld) assured me that I would enjoy myself, saying
members ``come here to forget all their troubles, forget all their cares.''
When you're alone and life is making you lonely, you can always go shoot
a gun. Sounded good to me. First, I was greeted by a gang of exuberant
older men that included an elevator-operator, a well-known landscape artist
and a war hero missing the fingers of an entire hand. These people love
their sport and are not happy about feeling marginalized because of it. And
it appears, were hoping that I would leave feeling the experience had been a
positive one.
``People think we're a bunch of yahoos,'' lamented Dale, the club president.

So I feel it is my duty to tell you that there was not a yahoo among the
bunch. Bill started me on a .22 automatic, showing how to load it, outlining
safety precautions (I can't stress how seriously these people take gun
and assuring me it couldn't hurt me as long as I didn't point it at myself.
The bullets are small and the gun doesn't make much of a bang, but I was
nervous and my hands were shaking when I pulled the trigger (not a good
thing). Then I pulled it five more times and when I saw, through a
that I had actually hit the target (once) 20 yards away, I felt like a

The Natural
I had been told that pistol-shooting takes more co-ordination and
concentration than any other sport. How could a woman who can't walk
through her apartment without hurting herself not be thrilled to discover
not half bad at it? Then I tried a .38 revolver, which makes a louder bang
but was
definitely my favourite. I was starting to feel a little more confident
until I tried
the .45, which jerked back in my hand and scared the living daylights out of
Back to the .38.  And I was good! At least, that's what Bill told me and I
choose to
believe him, even if he was just being nice. Women, I'm told, are naturally
better marksmen than men. The better I got, the better it felt. Also, Bill
right. ``Tell me,'' he said after I had finished. ``What were you thinking
about while you were shooting?'' That's when I realized I had forgotten all
about a personal matter I'd been crying over all morning. I hadn't been
about anything but the target. I had, in effect, forgotten all of my
troubles and all
of my cares. Wow. Waddaya know?
I can see why people get hooked on this sport. And it looks like there is
still a
lot of interest out there. Several people I mentioned this to have begged me
take them to the range. So if I can get permission, they might be swamped
visitors after all.

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