CS: Target-Pyrodex corrosiveness

2000-08-15 Thread Paul
From: Paul Bartomioli, [EMAIL PROTECTED] pyrodex is hygroscopic. have used it for 15 years. however, it is not as bad as black powder. it can still damage firearms if they are not cleaned scrupulously. it's major advantage over black is that is not an explosive, as black is. strike

CS: Target-Pyrodex corrosiveness

2000-08-15 Thread David
From: David Chappell - UK, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yes, the residue from Pyrodex is hygroscopic, but then so is the residue from black powder. I have burnt both Pyrodex and black powder on mild steel plates, and left the results outside. The BP one rusted, but the Pyrodex one was etched after a few

CS: Target-Pyrodex corrosiveness

2000-08-14 Thread Nik
From: Nik Jones, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Isn't the residue Pyrodex leaves hygroscopic i.e. attracts water. This is why it needs to be cleaned ASAP after firing. I think the primer residue is even more harmful, though - certainly my nipples are in worse nick than my barrel. Nik Jones Wrexham, UK