[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: vttest 20220827

2022-09-03 Thread Cygwin vttest Maintainer
The following package has been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution: * vttest20220827 Tests the functionality of a VT100 terminal (or emulator thereof). Tests both display (escape sequence handling) and keyboard. The program is menu-driven and contains full operating instructions. To run a giv

Re: Does the Cygwin setup program do internal sanity checks on startup?

2022-09-03 Thread Andrey Repin
Greetings, Brian Cowan! Please bottom post in this list. And trim unnecessary quoting. > Well, is it possible to use 7zip? It seems like you can do something like > it in: > https://superuser.com/questions/42788/is-it-possible-to-execute-a-file-after-extraction-from-a-7-zip-self-extracting-a > N