Sorry, I know this is a pretty odd question to ask in a forum like this, but I'm hoping someone can help.

Basically, I would like to write a GUI (using Delphi & Win32) for a Win32 console program. I had hoped I could read and write to the console program using pipes. However it appears that you cannot read the program's stdout through a pipe (stderr works fine). When I try to run it in the MingW32 console, it appears to hang. Clearly MingW32 is falling foul of the same pipes problem as I am.

What's puzzling me is that the Cygwin console *isn't* bothered by this problem. The program's output appears fine, as if it was running in cmd.exe.

Does anyone know what the Cygwin console is doing differently that allows it to read and display the program's stdout when MingW32 and my app fail?

I think the program in question uses multi-threading, though I'm not sure how that would affect things.


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