I downloaded and installed cygwin version to a Windows ME machine
in the directory c:\cygwin.  I installed the following components (binutils,
gcc, gcc-mingw, gdb, make, mingw-runtime). The installation went OK with the
exception that during the post-install script there were errors (***could
not load user 32, Win32 error) on several applications.  My Dos window
didn't have enough room to buffer them but one of the last applications was

I started cygwin by double clicking on cygwin.bat and the application opened
without any problems.  I developed a simple hello world application called
helloWorld.c located at the root level of the c drive.  Here are the
following steps:

$ cd /cygdrive/c
$ gcc -g -ohelloWorld.exe helloWorld.c

There were no compile errors and helloWorld.exe was created.

$ ./helloWorld.exe
  hello world

The program ran from the command line with no problems

$ gdb helloWorld.exe
(gdb) run
Starting Program: /cygdrive/c/helloWorld.exe
HELLOWORLD.EXE *** could not load user32.dll, Win32 error 0
Program exited with code 01

After quiting gdb, I checked the PATH variable with the following statement:

$ echo $PATH

There is only one user32.dll (version on the machine and it is
located at c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM.

I have performed the same steps on Windows 95, 98, NT, XP and 2000 and do
not have this problem.  

I appreciate any help you can give me.

David Collier

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