I fetched the sources for 1.3.28, compiled, debugged and voila: these are
the changes I made

07:56pm # mutt-1.3.28$ diff mh.c mh.c~
<     /*Elias-> if (safe_rename (full, msg->path) == 0)*/
<     if (safe_rename (msg->path, full) == 0)
<           /*Elias<-*/
>     if (safe_rename (full, msg->path) == 0)
07:56pm # mutt-1.3.28$ diff lib.c lib.c~
<   return rename (src, target);
< /* Elias-> */
< #if 0
< /* <-Elias */
< /* Elias-> */
< #endif
< /* <-Elias */

If you have the time please check them! To me, this sounds like is a very
strange logical flaw,
since in mh.c#913 mutt tries to rename a file that does not exist (full)
into an existing file (msg->path).
So if you just swap the arguments and make safe_rename to work (at least the
given implementation
does not work correct on my system, I just replaced its body with a plain

rename( src, target )

pop3 fetching works fine.

            Elias Hatzigeorgiou

----- Original Message -----
From: Gary R. Van Sickle
To: Elias Hatzigeorgiou
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 5:52 AM
Subject: RE: mutt

Hi Elias,

Normally these things should be discussed on the cygwin mailing list so that
everybody can benefit and/or help.  But in this case, let's make an
exception ;-).  This is definitely a new one on me.  Attached is a zipped
copy of the new 1.3.28 version of mutt.exe which I'm pathetically late in
getting packaged up.  Unzip it to your /usr/bin directory (you probably want
to rename and save your 1.2.5i-6 mutt.exe), and see if the new one fixes it.

Gary R. Van Sickle
Brewer.  Patriot.
-----Original Message-----
From: Elias Hatzigeorgiou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 9:02 AM
Subject: mutt

Hello Gary,
    I have just installed mutt-1.2.5i-6 for cygwin. Everything seems to work
until the time I try to get the new mail from my POP3 server. By pressing
mutt connects to the server and starts getting messages.

    But for some reason, it faills to complete mail fetching and goes on an
infinite loop,
interminably creating new files with the same message in the folder
( I have to kill the process in order to stop it from taking up my disk with
those files )
example filename is :

    I would appreciate any help.
                Elias Hatzigeorgiou

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