I've been using Cygwin for a long time. I haven't had reason to reinstall it until recently when I got a new computer. I installed the latest version and discovered the -s option to mount was removed. All I wanted to do is change the cygdrive prefix from /cygdrive to /. I discovered that I needed to edit /etc/fstab, I uncommented the entry below:
        none / cygdrive binary,posix=0,user 0 0

This worked fine on local disks, but made it impossible to create files, directories or modify them on mounted NTFS shares. I was stuck for hours looking for a solution. I finally RTM on mount and /etc/ fstab and discovered the "noacl" option. I changed the entry to:

        none / cygdrive binary,posix=0,user,noacl 0 0

This solved the problem. Hopefully this will help other people who run into the same issue. It was pretty difficult to find a fix for.

A suggestion for a later release, add the "noacl" option to the commented out /etc/fstab entry.

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