Cygwin 1.5.13 Vs. SETI@Home on Windows XP

2005-03-17 Thread John Whitlock
change my [EMAIL PROTECTED] settings. If it matters, I'm running [EMAIL PROTECTED] version 3.08. cygcheck.out is attached, if it is significant. And, while I'm posting, thanks to everyone for the great work you've done with Cygwin - my work would be impossible without it. John Wh

Cygwin 1.5.13 Vs. SETI@Home on Windows XP

2005-03-17 Thread John Whitlock
change my [EMAIL PROTECTED] settings. If it matters, I'm running [EMAIL PROTECTED] version 3.08. cygcheck.out is attached, if it is significant. And, while I'm posting, thanks to everyone for the great work you've done with Cygwin - my work would be impossible without it. John Wh