hello cygwin users
during installation of cygwin there is the following error. the installation hangs at 97% by the file /usr/X11R6/doc/Cygwin/xorg-x11-fscl- I have installed the X11R6 packages in a second step and then it works. Can have this a influence of the functionality of cygwin?
Thanks a lot for helping
Juergen --
Juergen Haenggi, Ph.D. student
lic. phil., Psychology & Neuroscience
Oristalstrasse 46
4410 Liestal, Switzerland
+41 61 921 30 19 (home phone)
+41 76 445 86 84 (mobile phone)
http://www.juergenhaenggi.ch <http://www.juergenhaenggi.ch/> (private website)
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