OS: Windows 7
cygwin installation: Basic C/C++ compilation,debug,link,make,ect

I have searched all over for answers and have came up with nothing. When i compile a C program i now know i need to include some .dll's with the .exe in order for it to run on a remote machine. At least thats been the case so far. I used the command cygcheck to see what .dll's i need to include with my .exe and i get this big list. So my question(s) is, Do i really need to include all those .dll's? Is there anyway to make the .exe independent? Are there any shortcuts to manually including all those .dll's in a distribution folder with the .exe?

What about simply including the cygwin setup with my software? Then what would need to be installed on the remote machine to simply RUN applications compiled with cygwin?

Any help what so ever is greatly appreciated.

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