I have a puzzling behaviour trying to run gcc (and the other gnu compilers) right after installing cygwing 1.7.1 on Pentium running XP, and adding gcc (using the gcc installer helper for the selection of packages in setup). The command

gcc-3 test.c

is executed but has no effect. No object, no executable, no message. Checking after the command the content of $? I get an exit code 1.

echo $?

Asking for compilation with -pass-exit-codes I get an highest exit code 127

gcc-3 -pass-exit-codes test.c
echo $?

I have apparently all the programs in place, i.e.

/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/f771.exe (I wish to compile with g77 as well)

and /lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/ is in the path of the programs for the gcc front-end (checked with -print-search-dirs).

I am at loss... Any hint of what may be wrong in the installation ?

Many thanks, Luca

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