
I have installed the cygwin port of openssh on a Win2k box and set up passwordless authentication using .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/authorized_hosts in the normal way. Everything works fine and I can ssh to the Windows box without a password. My problem arises when I change the user that runs the sshd service.

Following Corrina's instructions, I set up a local user (sshsvc) as a member of the Administrators group and have given that user the following user rights:

Act as part of operating system.
Create a token object.
Replace a process level token.
Log on as a service.

After setting the ownership of the /etc/ssh*, /var/empty (when using privaledge separation) and /var/log/sshd.log I can start the service.

With the client and server in debug mode I try to connect and the client appears to log in, but immediately logs back out again. The server log shows that a call to permanently_set_uid is followed by a call to setreuid, which fails with 'permission denied'.

I guess that this is Windows refusing to allow the sshsvc user to switch to the real user that i'm trying to log in as.
I was lead to believe from the docs and from Corinna's posts that the user rights settings would have dealt with this problem, but they don't.

What am I doing wrong here? Any help is appreciated.


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