
If those informations could help in anyway ... ( or give workaround for people face to same problem)
I tried install other SSH servers to reproduce (or not) my problem:

winsshd 5.26 is OK
mobaSSH is KO


Le 17/11/2011 12:23, Pierre-Yves Lafonta a écrit :

I use cygwin sshd daemon 5.9p1-1 to send them ssh exec command.
Here my problem:

nb=106496; rm testfile; for i in ` seq 1 $nb` ; do echo 1>>testfile;done
ssh user@host cat<  testfile>  outputfile

Work as expected on different cygwin plateforme (see the
cygcheck.winxp, cygcheck.seven, cygcheck.w2008 attached)

But, with one caracter more in the testfile, it stop working on seven and 2008.
The exec command hang; have to Ctrl+Z.

nb=106497; rm testfile; for i in ` seq 1 $nb` ; do echo 1>>testfile;done
ssh user@host cat<  testfile>  outputfile

On host machine, cat process still alive.
it's 100% reproductible. Verbose log just show that process dont
receive sigchld signal...

AnyOne Understand what exactly happen ?
Is it a bug or a normal behaviour?
And is there a workaround or a way i have to rewrite my exec command ?



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