I have ssh3.9p1 running on 2 cluster node connected to a direct shared
storage.  If I failover all the resource to the other node, sshd will
immediately fail.  I have replicated this multiple so I don't believe
that is a coincidence.  If I restart the node that ssh currently does
not work, sshd will start working again.  

I noticed that when failover completes, all the shared disk are now
listed as local disk and are inaccessible.   When I reboot, these disk
will go away.  This is common scenario with Windows during a failover
but is sshd expecting these disks to be online and tries to mount it? 

This is my first email in the group.  Please direct me or give me
instructions to what's the proper manner to request help.  I've attached
the cygcheck.out file.  


Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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