I finally suceeded in building my extension for tcl/tk with gcc (compile option -mno-cygwin and -g) . I use the dll by starting the normal wish.exe from the ActiveTcl Windows distribution. Then I can the load DLL via "load aoext.dll"

This works, but debugging fails:
- I started ddd where the source files are,
- then I opened wish.exe as program,
- then I run the program with an argument containing my tcl script loading the DLL. - After this I should be able to open the source files of my DLL, but the dialog doesn't show anything. Setting of breakpoints is impossible. The analogue procedure on Linux works.

Is debugging of DLLs supported by gdb? The objdump tool shows me that the DLL contains debug information. I also tried to edit the gdp prefs for source dirs. Is there anything special I have to do? Do I have to use the cygwin built wish.exe? This would be difficult because there are some extensions missing (e.g. itcl).

Thanks for advise,

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