Would you be interested in acquire the list of Decision Makers to expand your customer base?

We can most definitely help with a highly accurate B2B contact list. I wanted to confirm the following so we will be in touch to discuss your requirements, shortly.

1.            What kind of companies and contacts are you looking to build?

2.            How many total contacts are you looking for?

3.            What are the contact titles you'd like to focus on?

If you’re interested please let me know the geography and job title you are looking out to target for so that we can provide you with counts, pricing, sample file and more information in my next email.

Kindly fill the target criteria you’re looking for:

1.       Target Industry _________________________
2.       Target Job titles ________________________
3.       Target geography/country_________________
4.       Target technology users if any ______________

Data Fields: Name, Title, Email Address, Fax Number, Company Name, Current Address, Country Name, State/Province, City Name, Zip Code, Contact Number, Employee size, SIC Code, Industry, NAICS and Web Address.

Await your response!


Laruel Horton

Demand Generation- Technology Database

If you are not interested, please reply with “not interested” in subject line

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