A new release of tar, 1.22.90-1, is available, leaving 1.22-1 as the
previous version.

This is a new beta upstream release, but appears to be stable enough to
promote into use.  Upstream release notes are attached.  See also the
upstream documentation in /usr/share/doc/tar/.

GNU Tar is an archiver program. It is used to create and manipulate files
that are actually collections of many other files; the program provides
users with an organized and systematic method of controlling a large
amount of data.  Despite its name, that is an acronym of "tape archiver",
GNU Tar is able to direct its output to any available devices, files or
other programs, it may as well access remote devices or files.  The main
areas of usage for GNU Tar are: storage, backup and transportation.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on the
http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your system.
Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up 'tar' from the
'Base' category (it should already be selected).

Note that downloads from sources.redhat.com (aka cygwin.com) aren't
allowed due to bandwidth limitations.  This means that you will need to
find a mirror which has this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin tar maintainer

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version 1.22.90 (Git)

* Record size autodetection

When listing or extracting archives, the actual record size is
reported only if the archive is read from a device (as opposed
to regular files and pipes).

* New command line option `--warning'

The `--warning' command line option allows to suppress or enable
particular warning messages during `tar' run.  It takes a single
argument (a `keyword'), identifying the class of warning messages
to affect.  If the argument is prefixed with `no-', such warning
messages are suppressed.  For example,

  tar --warning=no-alone-zero-block -x -f archive

suppresses the output of `A lone zero block' diagnostics, which is
normally issued if `archive' ends with a single block of zeros.

* New command line option `--level'

The `--level=N' option sets the incremental dump level N.  It
is valid when used in conjunction with the -c and --listed-incremental
options.  So far the only meaningful value for N is 0.  The
`--level=0' option forces creating the level 0 dump, by truncating
the snapshot file if it exists.

* Files removed during incremental dumps

If a file or directory is removed while incremental dump is
in progress, tar exact actions depend on whether this file
was explicitly listed in the command line, or was gathered
during file system scan.

If the file was explicitly listed in the command line, tar
issues error message and exits with the code 2, meaning
fatal error.

Otherwise, if the file was gathered during the file system
scan, tar issues a warning, saying "File removed before we read it",
and sets the exit code to 1, which means "some files differ".
If the --warning=no-file-removed option is given, no warning
is issued and the exit code remains 0.

* Bugfixes
** Fix handling of hard link targets by -c --transform.
** Fix hard links recognition with -c --remove-files.
** Fix restoring files from backup (debian bug #508199).
** Correctly restore modes and permissions on existing directories.

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