Lee Maschmeyer wrote:
>> ran cmd.exe from start menu
> And that gets the info into Cygwin - how?

  Yet another false inference.  You were being shown an illustrative
comparison that was supposed to demonstrate a point about the underlying
mechanisms in play, not an answer to the original question from the original
post - if you didn't notice that the thread has gone a looong way off the
original point since then, you *really* aren't paying enough attention.

  You weren't being told a method for how to "get the info into Cygwin" and
nowhere in Jason's post does it say that you were.  The instructions that we
are discussing begin with the words "To verify it ...", not "To get the info
into cygwin"; perhaps you could stop now, and reread what it /actually/ says
instead of relying further on your clearly inaccurate memory.


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