On 06/06/2010 06:04, Ramakishore Yelamanchilli wrote:
> I installed cygwin and getting the following error running any
> command. Please find the attached file with cygcheck output.

  You are infected by a fake-antivirus malware:

> AVAPP = 'C:\Program Files\PersonalAV'
> AVUNINST = 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Uninstall\PersonalAV\Uninstall.lnk'

  You need to disinfect your system; I googled some instructions and found


  After your system is clean, maybe the cygwin installation will start
working, or maybe it might need re-installing through setup.exe; it's hard to
tell how much the malware interfered with your installation.

> DEFLOGDIR = 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application 
> Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection'

  That's a real anti-virus, but McAfee products have been known to interfere
with cygwin in the past, in a way very much like what you're seeing: fork
failure messages.  If cleaning the malware off your system doesn't fix
everything, the next thing to try would be disabling any advanced heuristic or
behaviour blocking features it has, or perhaps creating an exception for the
on-access file scanner to exclude anything in the cygwin directories.  See


for more details about that potential issue.


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