
I am aware than Cygwin network operations are slower than native Windows
operations, but is a factor of 2-3 reasonable?

>time cp 15MBfile /cygdrive/i/1
0.18u 2.04s 0:19.96 11.1%
>time cp 15MBfile //igl/home/2
0.21u 1.77s 0:20.20 9.8%
>time cmd /c copy 15MBfile i:\3
        1 file(s) copied.
0.02u 0.02s 0:09.89 0.4%

On longer files the operation has been closer to 3 times slower.

Why is the CPU usage so much higher (~20x?)

This is on a fresh installation of Cygwin DLL 1.5.5-1 running on Windows
2000 SP4.


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