I note with interest that in Cygwin 1.7 cygstart does not recognise
entries in the App Paths list, whereas in Cygwin 1.5 it does.

For example I have the following entry in my app paths list, pointing
to my favourite text editor:

$ regtool --verbose list
 (REG_SZ) = "C:\Program Files\TextPad 5\TextPad.exe"

Under Cygwin 1.5, "cygstart textpad" starts up an instance of the
editor. Under Cygwin 1.7 it does not, instead looking for an
executable in the current directory.

$ cygstart textpad
Unable to start 'C:\Documents and Settings\hadfield\textpad': The
specified file was not found.

It's not an issue with cygstart being stricter with the name, as
"cygstart TextPad" and "cygstart TextPad.exe" also fail.

Is this change deliberate?

Mark Hadfield
51 Volga St
Wellington 6023, NZ

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