On 10/16/18 12:57 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2018-10-16, Peder Sverdrup via cygwin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am making a script and need to know when the computer was last booted.
>> This can be done with
>> who -b command. I have installed the minimum cygwin and this command is not
>> available.
>> Which package do I need to install in order to have this command available
>> (or any other command
>> that can tell when the computer was last booted).
> The procps-ng package provides the uptime command which will tell
> you how long it has been since the computer was last booted.
> Regards,
> Gary

on my cygwin, 2.11.0(0.329/5/3), I have who (GNU coreutils) 8.26.
Of all the options -a/--all gives:
$ who --all
roger    - pty1         2018-10-16 13:05   .           276 (
-u, -H, -m, -s, -u gives the same (plus/minus a '-' or '.')
-q seems reasonable, at least similar to the same command on fedora
--version, --help give expected output.
The rest return nothing, including -b

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Roger Wells, P.E.
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