
I have a USB stick connected to my ADSL modem/router. I have mapped it to a N-drive. When I do a 'dir' and 'ls' I have a time difference of almost 19(!) years. When I do the ls to the UNC, the file is date the time the ls is executed :-S

Does anybody has a clue what goes wrong?



C:\>dir n:
 De volumenaam van station N is U
 Het volumenummer is C464-73C5

 Map van N:\

26-02-2006  17:39             3.034 test.txt
               1 bestand(en)            3.034 bytes
               0 map(pen)     126.781.440 bytes beschikbaar


$ ls -l /cygdrive/n
total 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 Frank Geen 3034 Jan 20  2025 test.txt


$ ls -l //expbox/nas
total 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 Frank Geen 3034 Aug 18 11:15 test.txt


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