Hi everyone, I have Cygwin installed on my Win 7 Enterprise work computer (i.e., no admin access) in a folder in my home directory. I have almost everything working except for a couple of things. I haven't made an honest try to get Dropbox working, but I have done a lot to get the -keyhook option working so that I can get ALT+TAB, etc. working properly. It works in every case (with startxwin) unless I am using it with the -fullscreen option. To me, running in full screen one way or another is non-negotiable.
There are two possible solutions to this in my mind: 1) Figure out how to make -keyhook work with -fullscreen 2) Figure out how to make the windows 7 taskbar "always on bottom" or "manual-hide" (as opposed to auto-hide) so that the X window will be effectively fullscreen when I use the -nodecoration option (which *does* work with -keyhook). Hiding and/or moving the taskbar is not a solution, because I never want to see it on any side of the screen under any circumstances. I've experimented with killing explorer.exe, but in that case the -nodecoration option leaves a strip at the bottom of the screen where the taskbar was. Thank you, R Foote -- Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: http://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: http://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple