... as Corinna requested :-) ...

Fairly easy to follow forward to the maintainer's diagnosis
that a termcap entry is too big, which causes this failure.

Cheers -- Eliot
--- Begin Message ---
The new termcap causes my xterm to segmentation fault.
When I back out just the termcap line of this update
in cygwin setup, xterm fires up fine.

xterm -v prints Cygwin, which shows
up as 250-1 in setup.

The libtermcap.a that works is labeled 20050421-1;
the new one that causes the seg fault is labeled

I am running cygwin 1.7.0-67.

terminfo is the new one (5.7_20091114-12).
terminfo0 is 5.5_2006104-11.

Has something changed in a way that requires xterm
to be rebuilt to work?

As you point out, it should probably use terminfo
instead, but that is kind of out of my hands as an
xterm user ...

Best wishes -- Eliot Moss

--- End Message ---
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